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Marcy's Game Night (Amphibia)



Marcy stared at her screen single-mindedly, fixated on the game she was playing and nothing else. The former Newtopian ranger was currently at her and her girlfriends’ home, taking part in playing the recently released remake of Vagabondia Chronicles, her favourite JRPG.


“Heeeeeey, Mar-Mar!” Sasha’s voice came from her right ear.


“Eep!” Marcy jumped in fear and nearly fell off the coach.


“Uh, sorry?” Sasha said, confused.


“Did you not hear us coming in?” Anne asked, who was taking off her purse behind Sasha.


“Er, yeah.” She said sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck. “Too engrossed in the game.”


“I’m glad you’re taking a break from your webcomic,” Anne put the house and car keys in a bowl. “But make sure you take your eyes away from screens for a bit, okay?” 


“Don’t worry Anne, I’ll make sure I don’t… burn off my eyes or whatever.”


Sasha smiles. “You know, I can think of a way to relax without looking at a screen…” She sat on Marcy’s lap, facing her. 


Marcy freaked out and moved her head to look over Sasha’s shoulder. “AH! Get out of the way, Sashy, I’m in the middle of a battle right now!” 


Sasha looked completely offended. She got off of Marcy’s lap and jokingly pouted. “Anne, can you believe this bitch is ignoring her hot girlfriend?” She said.


“Nope, can’t believe it.” Anne continued the bit, kissing Sasha on the cheek.


“Okay, okay, maybe tomorrow, but this game just came out, I just wanna play it for now.”


“Ugh, fine , how about you, Anne?”


“Sorry, Sash, not today. I had a long day at work.”


Sasha groaned and went to their bedroom.


“Alright Marcy, make sure you don’t spend too long on the game,” Anne looked down and saw Marcy’s legs fidgeting. “And um, make sure you use the bathroom, okay?”


“Huh, why would you say that ?” Anne pointed to Marcy’s legs. “Oh. Don’t worry, I’ll go as soon as I finish this quest.”


“If you say so. I need to write some emails, so I’ll be in my office. Have fun.” Anne kissed her girlfriend on the cheek before heading to her office.


Now that Anne had pointed it out to her, she did have to pee pretty badly. She hadn’t gone since this morning, and she had been drinking energy drinks all day. “ Okay, just get through this dungeon, then return to the questgiver. Then I can go pee.


She finally got to the end of the dungeon and saw the boss lying down in a room. It was a massive Ogre, surrounded by multiple small(er) Ogres, all of whom were sleeping. “Easy, I’ll get through this no problemo! ” She thought to herself. 


Marcy went into stealth mode and placed bombs all around the room near the enemies. She then backed off and shot an arrow at one, causing a chain reaction blowing them all up at once. Her game lagged slightly as the Ogres all died at once. “WOOOO! TAKE THAT, DUMBASSES!” She shouted out loud, blushing slightly as she remembered she wasn’t in the apartment alone anymore. Marcy looted the area and collected a bunch of valuable stuff, including the quest item she had come here for. She opened her map and selected the town with the quest-giver. 


“Are you sure you’d like to fast travel to this location?





Marcy pressed A on her controller as fast as she could. As the loading screen went by, she fidgeted even harder than before. She was beginning to doubt her ability to hold it all in. “ Okay, just a bit more. I only need to turn in this quest, sit on my porcelain throne, and bask in my relief. ” 


“Boo.” Came a dry voice from her left. 


Marcy let out a high-pitched squeal, and also a leak in her panties. “Jesus, Sasha, I told you to stop doing that!”


“Well, I’ll stop spooking you when you stop getting so engrossed in your games. I could hear you shouting from the bedroom, y’know.”


Marcy blushed. “ I was hoping you didn’t hear that. ” She whispered.


Sasha laughed and took a seat. She glanced at Marcy’s squirming legs. “I thought I heard Anne telling you to use the bathroom, like, twenty minutes ago.”


(“ That was twenty minutes ago!? ” Marcy thought to herself.) “And I told her I would go when I finish this quest.” 


“And you still haven’t finished it? Why don’t you just pause it?”


“Because that will completely disrupt the flow of gameplay, Sasha!” Marcy stated as if it was obvious. “‘Sides, I’m nearly done now.”


“I have no idea what that means, but if you don’t go soon, a different ‘flow’ will spill all over our nice couch.” 


Marcy blushed at the implication and focused on holding. Soon the game finished loading, and she spawned in the middle of the town. Almost immediately, she started moving her character as fast as they could, implementing a few speedrun tricks she had picked up. (Despite the game only being out for a week at this point) She looked over to Sasha with a smile to see if she was impressed, but the smile was wiped off her face as she saw Sasha was just looking at her phone.


The character eventually reached the home of the quest-giver. Going in, Marcy squeezed her legs together. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take, but she was in the final stretch now. All she needed to do was turn in the quest.


Ah, it’s you! Have you found the Gem of Calamitus?

>Yup, got it right here!

Nope, I haven’t found it yet.

(Stab him and take all his gold for yourself)”


“Dang, the evil option is really on the nose in this quest.” Marcy said to no one in particular. She selected the first option.


Good, good. Now, I must show you something- follow me please.


“Thought you said you were nearly done with this one?” Sasha questioned.


“I… I thought it was. Guess this quest is a bit bigger than I thought.” Marcy gulped.


Anne came out of her office and onto the coach. “Finished your work, Anne?” Sasha asked.


Anne groaned and leaned back into the coach. “No, not yet, I'm just taking a break. I do love this promotion, but the workload is driving me insane.”


“Well, maybe watching me play will help you out,” Marcy said. “Watching other people play games tends to help me unwind.”


“Doesn’t PLAYING games help you unwind?”


Marcy laughed for a moment before putting on a serious expression. “Gaming is a full-time job, Sasha.”


Marcy followed the man in the game, who led her to a tunnel in his house leading to an underground sewer. She shivered; her bladder was practically screaming at her to release but she just had to stay put for a little while longer.


“You alright, Marcy?” Anne asked, breaking her focus.


“Oh- um… yeah, I just-”


“She still hasn’t used the bathroom.” Sasha butted in.


“What!?” Anne exclaimed.


Marcy gasped. “Traitor.” She said, looking at Sasha.


“Marcy, why haven’t you gone yet? It’s been, like, half an hour.”


“I can hold it till the end of this quest, Anne! I’ll be fine.” Marcy honestly didn’t believe her own words but tried her hardest to stay still as she re-focused on the game.


Anne groaned. “God, you’re stubborn. But if you think you can hold it, go ahead.”


She eventually reached the place where the man was taking her (Frog, she loathed quests where she had to follow an NPC somewhere) and it was a big shrine with paintings of a large blue monster. 


This is the Stone of Calamitus, a prison for the dark god of the same name. They were locked away, long ago. And now, I need to kill them while they're weak. They will escape their prison one way or another, but if we take them out willingly with the Gem, they will be easier to beat, and less likely to wreak havoc upon the city. Will you help me?


>Yeah I got you, no worries.

Nah, I’m outta here, see ya.”


“C’mon Marc’, dump this guy and just go to the bathroom!” Sasha said.


“I can’t just let Calamitus destroy the city!”

“In like, a hundred years, yeah.”


“That doesn’t make it alright!”


“Whatever, just get it done with.”


Marcy pressed “A” on her controller and began the boss fight. The man placed the gem in front of the stone, causing it to break. The monster rose from the ground and (to Marcy’s horror) it was a large, hulking monster made of water .


“Oh no.” Marcy muttered to herself, squirming.


“Kick this asshole’s… um… ass, Marcy!” Sasha cheered.


“Don’t encourage her!” Anne said in disbelief.


“If she wants to piss herself, that's her decision.” Sasha shrugged.


Marcy blushed a little and pretended not to hear her girlfriends bickering. In the fight, the monster had five tentacles around the room that hit you if the main character gets too close. The fight was hard, but she kept accidentally running into the tentacles and her health was low. Marcy whimpered and tried the ignore the dripping animation coming from the monster.  She looked at her quick-select bar and decided to throw an expensive explosive. It cost her a lot to buy, but right now she just needed to get through to this boss as quickly as possible.


The boss let out a wailing scream and collapsed into droplets, forming a puddle. Marcy shuddered at the effect, letting out another leak. The quest giver came up to her. “ Thank you, great hero! I don-


“I don’t have time for this!” Marcy shouted and proceeded to spam the skip button. 


It’s time I rev-




You see, I-”




That’s why I-




The world will ne-




I hope to me-




Goodbye, great hero, I hope we meet again.


When the “quest complete” message came on-screen, Marcy immediately paused the game and threw her controller to the side. She tried to get up but almost immediately sat back down as she felt another leak enter her underwear. “Mmmf… I d-don’t think I can make it.” She said, her eyes tearing up.


“Don’t worry, I got you, girl!” Sasha said, carrying her in a bridal position. 


Marcy was taken by surprise and let out another leak, a wet spot appearing on her shorts. “I… I’m not gonna make it…”


“Oh no you don’t!” Sasha started walking to the bathroom as fast as she could. The movement was too much for Marcy, and she started full-on wetting herself. 


“I-I’m sorry, Sasha!” The drops of pee left a trail on the floor and spilt on Sasha’s pants as well. Sasha finally got to the bathroom and placed Marcy on the toilet. Marcy let out a moan as she released all she had been holding, not bothering to pull down her shorts. Anne, who was carefully trying to avoid stepping in the trail of pee, walked into the bathroom and saw Marcy peeing herself. She blushed and looked away to give Marcy some semblance of privacy. 


Sasha, on the other hand, watched Marcy like a hawk. Not that Marcy noticed, she was too wrapped up in her relief. After a little while, the stream slowed down and she noticed that she had peed herself in front of her two girlfriends. “Oh my god… I can’t believe I just did that…” She said, partially to herself. Anne turned around, seeing her girlfriend’s accident. Tears started streaming from Marcy’s eyes. “I’m so sorry. I’m so stupid. How did I let this happen?” She put her hands on her face, sobbing uncontrollably. 


Anne and Sasha came up to her (Anne side-stepping around the puddles) and hugged her. “Don’t worry about it Marc’,” Anne said. “You just got carried away, it happens. We’ll clean it up, no worries.”


“Plus, it was kinda hot.” Anne elbowed Sasha. “Buuuut, that’s not important. Take a shower, we’ll deal with the mess.”


“N-no!” Marcy shouted, trying to get up, but failing due to her legs shaking. “This is m-my mess, I’ll clean it up!” 


“Marcy, if you wanna help, just get in the shower.” Sasha scolded.


Marcy was going to argue more but eventually gave up. “O-okay.” 




Marcy started to somewhat relax after she was in the shower. It felt really good just to get all of the gross liquid off her body. But that wasn’t the only thing that felt good. She thought back to her accident. God, it felt good to release it all after waiting for so long. And the warm feeling in her-


“Got room for one more in there?” Sasha’s voice called from behind her. Marcy looked where the voice was coming from, seeing Sasha poking her head through the shower curtain, smiling. 


“Uh, sure,” Marcy replied nervously. “Why do you need to take a shower now though?”


“You peed my pants too, remember?” 


“Oh… oh yeah.” Marcy looked down in shame.


“Hey, don’t worry about it Marc’, I don’t mind. I’ll be in in a second, alright?” The sound of Sasha removing her clothes could be heard from the other side of the shower curtain. Before long, Sasha joined her in the shower. Unintentionally, Marcy admired her girlfriend’s body. She was tall and extremely muscular, with six-pack abs on her stomach. It was far from the first time she had seen Sasha naked, but she blew her away every time.


Sasha came up next to Marcy and started washing herself. God, she’s beautiful. “So, um, Sash?”


“Mmm?” Sasha, who was scrubbing her hair, looked at her.


“Did… you mean it when you said it was hot?”


Sasha smiled. “You wanna fuck, don’t you?”


“Oh, I wanna fuck you so bad.”




Anne slowly mopped the floor, casually whistling while she was at it. However, she was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the bathroom. She went up to the bathroom door and was about to ask if everything was alright, before hearing a moan from Marcy. Immediately, Anne recognized what was happening and pinched the bridge of her nose. “ Those horny idiots. Of course, I clean up the mess while they fuck. ” However, the angry face soon went away and she stared at the door longingly. “ They could at least have invited me in.

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