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Study Troubles (The Owl House)



Amity sat on a chair in her room, looking down at her textbook on her desk. She was currently studying for a big test at Hexside tomorrow. Subconsciously crossing her legs, she buried herself in her textbook, taking note of every word.

Amity suddenly felt something in her abdomen. She looked down and realized she’d been holding herself without realizing it. She had to pee. Now that she realized she had to go, she started wiggling in her seat frantically. She quickly sat up from her chair and ran out of her room, hands on her crotch. She ran through the hallway of her house towards the bathroom, slowing down when she saw her mom.

“Amity, what are you doing?” Her mother asked.

“Um… just using the bathroom?” Amity replied, trying to stand still.

“Have you finished studying yet?” 

“Well… no.” 

“Then go back to your room. I know you have a test tomorrow, and I want you getting good grades on it.”

“Y-yes, mother.” She said. She wanted to stand up to her, especially with how bad she had to go, but she was too afraid of the consequences. She wobbled back to her room and sat back down on her chair.

She whimpered as she squirmed about in her chair. “Okay Amity, just finish studying, then you can pee.” Amity thought to herself.

She looked back at her textbook, trying to focus on her book. Her legs shook as she read the text, burrowing her head down, doing her best to forget about it, as she did before. Unfortunately, now that she realized she had to go, she couldn’t ignore it. She continued like this for around thirty minutes.

Suddenly, Amity felt herself leak. She threw her hands down on her crotch and shuddered at the warmth. “Ugh… okay, I’m not gonna make it; I need to pee, now.” Amity thought as she squirmed around. She got up and once again left her room.

Amity awkwardly shuffled down the hallway and saw her mother. “Amity! Have you finished studying yet?” 

“Err… no but-”

“Then get back to your room.”

“I…. urgh” She hunched over. “I… I really need to use the bathroom.”

Odalia gave a snide smile. “Well then, Mittens, you have good motivation for finishing. Now shoo, back to your room.”

Amity groaned and shuffled back to her room and back onto her chair. Amity went back to desperately holding herself and wiggling. Amity whimpered as she felt another leak come out, this time staining her leggings. “Just… gotta… finish off… then I can go…” Amity started to doubt her own thoughts. She looked back at her textbook, just trying to ignore the pain in her bladder.

She continued to study for fifteen more minutes. She read through the material without paying much attention, until she finally reached the end of the last page and closed the book.

“Yes! I did it! I-” Suddenly Amity felt a growing warmth in her underwear.

 “No, no, no, noooo!”  Amity said, desperately trying to stop the urine from flowing out of her, but it was too late, pee soaked her crimson leggings, pooling up around the chair, before spilling down on her room’s floor.

Amity, realizing she couldn't stop it, let go, basking in the euphoric feeling of letting go of her bladder. Eventually, the stream stopped, giving Amity a sigh of relief. Then her eyes shot open. “Oh shoot. I just wet myself… how the heck am I going to hide this!?”

Emira burst into the room. “Hey, Mittens, mom was asking if youuuu-” She trailed off when she saw Amity’s mess. Amity’s face grew bright red. “I’ll tell her you're still studying.” Emira said before quickly closing the door.

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