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Car Ride Home (The Owl House)



Gus’ eyes boggled as the automatic doors to the grocery store opened. Since they got trapped in the human realm, most of Gus’ studies of human civilisation had been limited to the Noceda house, and while he made some fascinating discoveries there, it was nothing compared to this, the giant supermarket that stood before him. “This. Is. AMAZING! There are human things EVERYWHERE!” 


Hunter and Willow followed behind him, not quite as excited as him, but still curious about this new location. From behind them was Camila Noceda, the current caretaker of the group, pushing an empty shopping cart. Luz, Vee, and Amity stayed behind at the Noceda house.


“You three find all this that interesting, huh?”


“You should've seen Luz when she came to The Boiling Isles!” Willow said jokingly.


“Why don't you guys go buy something while I shop?”


“Anything?” Gus asked with starry eyes.


“As long as it's under five dollars.” Camila rectified.


“Thank you, Ms. Noceda.” Hunter said, doing a small bow with his head.


Camila looked uncomfortable. “I told you, just call me Camila.”


Hunter blushed. “Right. Sorry, Camila.”


“Just remember to be careful of strangers and keep your ears covered”


The three teens nodded and all went off in their own directions, but they all converged in the same place, a fridge containing soda. 


“I wonder what this is…” Gus wondered.


“It looks like the soda in The Boiling Isles, but… different?”


“I think I’ll get this.” Hunter grabbed a black one with a red label.


“Me too.” Willow grabbed an orange one with a similarly coloured label.


Gus considered it for a moment before saying “Nah. We have soda in The Boiling Isles. I wanna get something we don't have over there.” He then walked away, looking for something else.


Willow and Hunter shrugged and went to look for Camila. They found her and went to line up at checkout with her. Hunter began to feel movements in his bladder. He eyed the restroom in the back of the supermarket but decided not to use it since they were already checking out.


Gus soon came back, now holding some gum. Camila explained while they were in line that you aren’t supposed to swallow it. (She knew him well enough by now to know he’d try it.) They checked out and headed out to the parking lot. As they walked to the car, Camila felt drops on her head. She looked up and felt dread as the rain started pouring down. “Quick, quick, quick! To the car!” Camila shouted, beginning to push the cart faster.


They reached the car and quickly loaded everything in, before heading into the car and all letting out a big sigh. Willow sat on the left window seat, Hunter sat in the middle, and Gus sat on the right window. As Camila turned on the engine, Hunter and Willow began drinking their sodas. Camila drove out of the parking lot and groaned to see a lot of traffic ahead. “Looks like it’s gonna take a while to get home,” Camila said, half to herself. “Better get comfortable.”


After a little bit, Hunter and Willow finished their soda. Hunter looked down and realised he really needed to use the bathroom. He began to wish he had used the bathroom in the supermarket. 


“You okay, Hunter?” Gus looked at him, seeing the uncomfortable look on his face.


“Yeah!” He said, voice cracking. “I-I… um, yeah, I’m good.”


“If you say so.” Gus said, looking outside the window he was sitting next to.


Camila was behind a bunch of cars, and none of them were moving. She sighed. “Well, at the very least, I hope that the other three are enjoying themselves.”


“I bet Luz and Amity are.” Willow said quietly with a smirk on her face.


“What was that?” Camila said looking back at Willow.


“Oh, um, nothing.” For some reason, Luz told the others not to mention that she was in a relationship with Amity. “ Maybe it’s because she’s from another world? ” Willow pondered to herself. As she was absorbed in her thoughts, her bladder began to send signals to her brain. She had to pee.


“Uh, Camila? When will we be getting home?” Willow said, wiggling slightly as she spoke.


“We’re still a long way away.” Camila turned around. “Why?” 


“I kinda need to use the bathroom.” She said, slightly nervously.

“I- um… I need to go too.” Hunter added.


Ay, mierda ,” Camila whispered under her breath. “Okay, just try to hold it till we get back, okay?”


The two desperate teens nodded and went back to focusing on holding it. Hunter had a lot of experience holding his pee for long periods. During his time as The Golden Gaurd, he didn’t get any bathroom breaks during missions, leaving him desperate and running straight to a toilet when they were done. He always made it back though. So surely it wouldn’t be any different this time. Right?


Willow, on the other hand, was doing better than Hunter, but not by much. The sound of rain falling on the car roof and the liquid streaming down the window were both maddening. She put her hand on her crotch and swayed from side to side. Gus looked awkwardly at them and tried to avoid eye contact with the two. 


“Hgnnnn…” Hunter let out, feeling a leak enter his underwear. Camila looked at him and knew what just happened. She opened the glove compartment and got out a towel.


“Here, can you put this over your seat?” Camila requested, handing the towel over to Hunter.


“W-what? I’m gonna be fine, I don’t need it!” Hunter blushed as he spoke.


“I know, but I just want to be safe.”


Hunter reluctantly took the towel and put it on his seat. 


“You too, Willow.” Camila passed another towel to her. Willow's face went red at the implication that she could have an accident, but she complied and put the towel over her seat. 


“Why do you have all those towels in the compartment, Camila?” Gus inquired.


Camila chuckled. “Don’t let Luz know I told you this, but she’s had more than a few ‘incidents’ on long car drives.”


Willow closed her eyes and tried to focus on holding. She didn’t need to think about Luz’s past “incidents” while she was desperate. Hunter had a similar reaction, putting his head back on the headrest. Half an hour passed, with the car seemingly barely moving. The pair’s thoughts went nowhere but holding their bladders. Hunter felt another significant surge of pressure in his bladder. It was similar to what he felt when he leaked. But this time, there was no stopping it from rushing out.


“No, no, no, no!” Hunter shouted, causing everyone in the car to look at him. After a few seconds, he stopped peeing. However, it felt like it could come out at any moment. There was now a large dark stain on his blue sweatpants. He shoved his hands into his crotch as hard as he could, tears welling up in his eyes.


“Hunter… It’s okay if you have an accident.” Camila said in a soothing voice. “I won’t be mad at you, okay?”


Hunter half-ignored her and focused all his strength on holding it. As Willow looked over to Hunter she felt… strange. An emotion she couldn’t quite describe came over her.  Hunter being on the verge of peeing himself almost looked…cute? “ Knock it out, Willow! Your friend is in pain, stop having creepy thoughts about him! ” She thought to herself. 


Hunter let out a whimper as urine began pouring out of him once again. He tried desperately to stop it, but it was no use. It re-soaked his underwear, seeping into his sweatpants and the towel. Tears began streaming down his cheeks as he humiliated himself in front of his friends. 


Gus started patting Hunter on the back. “Hey, it’s alright man, it happens.” 


Hunter wanted to say something, but words didn’t come out of his mouth. Willow wanted to comfort him but she was too focused on holding it to help. The sight of Hunter’s urine seeping into the towel was causing her bladder to send desperate signals to her brain. She felt a leak enter her panties, causing her to let out a small squeak, unbeknownst to the others. After a short while, Hunter’s stream stopped, causing him to let out a big sigh. A honk came from the car behind them, causing everyone to jump (and Willow to leak again). Camila quickly started driving again, seeing that traffic was finally beginning to move again.


“I’m so sorry, Camila, I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Hunter sniffled, his face bright red.


“It’s alright, I put the towels there for a reason.”


Gus, on the other hand, felt his bladder beginning to fill up. He really hoped that they were going to be home soon. 


Willow was now rocking side to side, bouncing up and down, and just generally doing anything to prevent further leaking. At this point, she couldn’t care less what the others saw, she just wanted to hold it. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much, soon after she felt another leak, creating a dark spot on her brown pants. Her bladder practically shouted at her, threatening to release the rest. “Um…Camila?”


“Hm?” Camila looked at Willow using her rearview mirror.


“I don’t think I’m going to make it.”


“Oh dear.” Camila looked at Willow struggling. “Do you just want to let go? I won’t be mad, I promise.”


Willow nodded, began to relax her body, and tried to let go. She thought it would take a while to release, but as soon as her bladder’s contents saw an opportunity to escape, they took it. After a second, the dark spot on her pants began expanding rapidly. “Ahhhhhhh…” Willow let out a sigh and closed her eyes. She felt all her worries wash away as she let the relief wash over her. A dopey smile formed on her face. As she wet herself, the pee seeped into her towel and soaked it. 


It continued to flow out for the next thirty seconds or so. Slowly but surely, the stream slowed down and eventually stopped. She let out one more big sigh, opened her eyes and looked around. Suddenly her brain decided to remind her that she was not alone. She looked around at all the people in the car staring at her and blushed. “I uh… really had to go.”


“It’s alright.” Camila looked away from her mirror and refocused on driving. 


Meanwhile, Gus was beginning to feel desperate after watching his three friends wet themselves. He squeezed his legs together and groaned. “Are you alright, man?” Hunter asked him, now slowly recovering from being shaken up by his accident.


“It’s just… I need to use the bathroom too now.”


Camila overheard him. “Do you need a towel?” She asked.


Gus blushed and shook his head no. “I can hold it.” He said, with an unsure tone in his voice. 


“Well, let me know if you change your mind. We’ll be home in ten minutes.” Gus focused on holding in his bladder’s contents. He squirmed around and grabbed his crotch as hard as he could. The minutes passed and the car was nearly at the Noceda house. “Okay, Willow, you go straight to the shower when we get home, we don’t want any of the others seeing you.” Willow didn’t even think about the others and how they would react. “Hunter, just stay put in the basement and I'll let you know when Willow gets out and make sure Luz, Amity, and Vee don't see. And don't worry about the towels and groceries, leave those to me.” Hunter shyly nodded. 


“Uh… what about me?” Gus asked, still desperate.


“Oh shoot, that's right. Alright, you can use the bathroom first, just make sure you make it quick.” 


The car began to pull up to the house. At last, Camila finally turned off the engine, causing Gus to run out immediately. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. “Hurry, hurry, hurry!” He shouted, potty dancing on the spot.


“I’m coming, just hold on!” Camila shouted. She went up to the door and began to unlock it. As she did so, Gus felt a leak enter his underwear, causing him to dance even harder.


The door opened and Gus rushed in and ran straight for the bathroom, leaking heavily all the way. As soon as he got there he barely attempted to close the door, (it being left with a small crack open) lowered his pants, and released. He let out a big sigh of relief as he felt his bladder empty. Meanwhile, Willow soon caught and fully closed the door for the sake of his dignity. However, Gus didn't notice, as his relief distracted him. Willow just wanted him to be done as soon as possible before-


“Willow?” Luz’s voice rang from behind her, across the hallway.


Dang it.” Willow thought to herself. 


“You guys are finally back? You took a while, was there a lot of tra-” Luz looked down and saw the big wet spot on Willow’s butt. “O-oh. Um, did you… spring a leak?” 


Willow’s face went red and she looked down, avoiding eye contact.


“Mija! Leave your friend alone and come help me with the shopping!” Camila shouted from downstairs. 


“Coming!” Luz shouted and ran downstairs awkwardly.


Gus soon came out of the bathroom with a big sigh. “Bathrooms all yours, Willow!” 


Willow cleared her throat. “Thank you.” She said softly. She entered the bathroom, still looking at the ground.

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