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Desperate In Xadia (The Dragon Prince)



Rayla hunched over. This was bad. She hadn't relieved herself since the previous night before going to sleep. She was currently on a journey with Callum, a human prince, to deliver Zim, The Dragon Prince to The Dragon Queen. They had separated from Ezran, Callum’s brother, so that he may return to rule Katolis. Rayla wondered how he was doing, but she didn’t have time to worry about that right now. She was desperate to pee, and worse yet, in front of her crush.

Rayla normally only peed when she woke or before she went to sleep. She didn’t want to delay the journey, especially when they were so close to reaching The Dragon Queen’s lair. That had normally worked out pretty well for her so far, save for a few close calls. But today she forgot to go in the morning.

“Umph!” Rayla doubled over and shoved her hands in her crotch. She felt a leak dampen her panties. She whimpered and desperately tried to prevent further leaking.

“You alright Rayla?” Callum turned around and asked.

“Um, yes! I was just… catching my breath!” Rayla forced herself to stand up straight.

Callum looked at her suspiciously, knowing Rayla was a lot more fit than he was. “You sure?”

“Yup!” Rayla tried to force a smile.

“Well alright then.” Callum turned around and continued walking.

Rayla let out a sigh of relief before putting her hand back on her crotch and tried desperately not to pee. Every step was agony for her, and the sun was only starting to set. The two continued to walk for the next half hour, with Callum adoring the sights of Xadia. Seeing him so fascinated by stuff that was so normal for her put a smile on Rayla’s face. But it didn’t distract her from the fact that she needed to pee badly.

Suddenly, she felt her need increase. She doubled over, hands on her crotch once again. A spurt came out of her for about two seconds before she managed to stop it.

“Okay, what's going on?”

“Wh-what?” Rayla opened her eyes to see Callum looking right at her, looking concerned.

“You’ve been acting strange all day, and you won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“N-nothing! I’m just… tired is all.” Rayla stammered.

“I can tell you’re lying Rayla.” Callum crossed his arms. “Are you sick? We can stop for today if you’re not-”

“N-no! I’m fi- ARGH!” Rayla tried to cross her legs, but it was too late. She was wetting herself.

“O-oh. T-that’s what was wrong.” Callum said, blushing, watching her green pants turn a darker shade.

Rayla moaned. “L-look away please, Callum.”

Callum, still blushing, obliged and turned around. As embarrassed as she was, Rayla was glad to finally have her long-awaited relief. The warm liquid flowing down her legs was euphoric. She might have enjoyed it if she wasn’t completely embarrassed.

Rayla felt her pee come to a stop, leaving her pants thoroughly soaked. “You can turn around now Callum.” She said, embarrassed.

Callum, blushing just as much as Rayla, turned back around, seeing Rayla’s puddle on the ground. He looked up to see Rayla crying.

“Hey, it’s alright, Rayla.” He put his hand on her shoulder “It happens to everyone. But why did you hold it so long?”

“I… I don’t like to interrupt the journey to go.” It sounded pretty silly as the words left Rayla’s mouth.

“Rayla, we’re on a journey across a continent. Do you really think I would mind a few minutes to use the bathroom?”

Rayla giggled and wiped her tears away. “Yeah. I’m kinda a dummy, aren’t I?”

“It’s fine. Just tell me if you have to go, alright?”

Rayla nodded. “Sure thing, Callum.”

“Now, how about we rest for the night?

“That sounds good.” Rayla smiled.

  • 5-Star 1


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