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Pothole (The Ghost And Molly McGee)



Molly shifted nervously, the puddle she was sitting in shifting with her. It was New Year's Day, and she sat in a pothole filled with melted snow. As you do on New Year's, of course. While she had only sat in it due to a moment of frustration, it had quickly turned into a protest to fill in the pothole. But now Molly faced a new problem besides a pothole: she had to pee. With a bunch of people watching her. Fantastic, isn’t it? 


She let out a groan and shifted around again. “Are you alright, Molly?” A voice called to her from above. It was her friend, Libby, who had earlier been in the pothole with her and was now helping out with selling the pancakes. 


“I’m alright, I just, uhhh…” Molly thought for a second before settling that she didn’t mind Libby knowing. “I need to pee.” She whispered.


“Yikes, been there.” Libby tilted her head to the left. “Well, maybe you can take a break for a few minutes to go?” 


“Mmmh, no,” Molly subtly put her hands on her crotch, groaning. “Been doing this all day.” She put a dertimed look on her face. “Can’t give up now.”


“Mmmh, suit yourself. At least if you have an accident no one will notice because of the puddle.”


“Libby, don’t be silly, I’m not gonna-” She paused briefly before smiling. “Wait, Libby, that’s it! You're a genius!”


“Huh? I am?”


“I can just pee myself and nobody will notice! No problemo.”


“What!? On purpose!?”


“Shhh, keep your voice down.”


Libby paused for a moment before leaning down and whispering. “But you can’t just do that on purpose, I mean I’ve had my share of accidents, but-” 


“I can’t? Watch me.” Molly sighed and let go, leaning back and closing her eyes. The puddle she was sitting in soon grew warm and heated Molly up. As expected, what she was doing was completely invisible to the naked eye. Except for Libby, who was looking at her in shock.


“Are you seriously- oh jeez, why would you do that?”


“Mmmm… better to let go on purpose here than on accident later.” Molly looked absentmindedly upwards. “You wanna hop in? It’s really warm.”


“Molly, that’s so gross.”


“What’s so gross?” Sharron (Molly’s mother) burst into the conversation, coming up to the two friends.


Molly, who was still peeing, snapped out of her trance. “Oh, we were just talking about… uhh… people who litter! Isn’t that right, Libby?” 


Libby shyly nodded, sweating. “Well, alright. Let me know if you need a break.” Sharron said, walking away. 


“Phew.” Molly let out a relieved sigh, her stream finally stopping.


“Molly, you know I love you, but you leave me dumbfounded sometimes.”


“I have that effect on people.”

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