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Desperation On Calypso's Island (Heroes Of Olympus)



So… Leo was stranded- no two ways about it. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, there was an annoying (but stunning) chick on this island with him. Okay, maybe describing her as a “chick” was sort of understating it. The girl was Calypso, one of the daughters of the Titan Atlas. The last time someone had landed on her island, it was Percy Jackson, (Way to set an impossible standard, dude.) whom Calypso had fallen for. Unfortunately, Percy had left to return to Camp Half-Blood for the war against Kronos’ forces, leaving Calypso alone for the last two years… at least until Leo fell to the island and destroyed her outdoor dining table. Whoops.

And now, he was working on a way to get home, and trying not to step on any of Calypso’s toes while doing so. The machine he was working on would, hopefully, get him back to the Argo II and out of Calypso’s hair. So here he was, desperately trying to fix the Archimedes Sphere, in some hope that his friends could come to find him.

“Gods, are you still working on that?” The blonde girl said from behind him, scaring the crap out of Leo. “That can’t be good for you, y’know.”

He let out an embarrassing yelp. “Sheesh, don’t creep up on me like that!”

“I said ‘hello’ two times before that last thing.”

“Well, uh, you should’ve said it louder!”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”

“You sound like my last foster mom.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“Right, Ancient Greek or whatever… look, I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.”

“So you claim. Look, just take this.” She handed a large cup of water to him. “Drink up.”

“Nah, I’m not thirsty.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Wha- How would you know that!?”

“Because you haven’t visited the house in a day.”

“Oh.” Now that she mentioned it, Leo was feeling quite parched. “Uh, thanks, I guess.” He blushed as he took the cup and drank it all in a second.

“Not that I care what happens to you or anything… but you shouldn’t go so long without a break. It’s not good for your health.”

“Nah, I’m fine! I can work days without stopping. Who says ADHD is a disability? Other than, you know, doctors and stuff.”

“I don’t know what this ‘ay-dee-whatever’ thing is but you’re mortal just like— well, I was going to say ‘just like me’ but I’m half-titan and thousands of years old.”

“Well, that’s a thought. Do you even have to eat or drink?”

“I enjoy the taste, but I don’t need to.”

“What about… y’know, where it goes? Do you need to use the bath—”

Calypso blushed. “That’s quite enough! Just… take a break soon, alright?”

“Mmm hmm, yeah, sure.” Leo said absentmindedly.

She rolled her eyes and walked away. Before he knew it, an hour had passed, and a pang came from his bladder. He squirmed a bit, trying to ignore it. It was an annoying feeling, having to pee.

Leo wondered if the gods willingly created humans with the need to urinate. Maybe it was created by accident. (Heh, accident.) It wouldn’t be the first time the gods created something inconvenient accidentally. (Wait, can gods hear your internal thoughts? “Sorry, Dad!” He thought.)

He groaned and considered his options. He could use the bathroom in Calypso’s house right then… but then he’d lose his train of thought! And he’d also have to get some judgemental looks from her.

Ignoring his need, he refocused his attention on the sphere. About half an hour later, Calypso returned, with another large glass of water. “If you’re going to be stubborn and not take a break, you might as well stay hydrated.”

Leo gulped. “I’m alright, sunshine. Not thirsty anymore.”

“Please, you’re sweating bullets. Just take the drink.”

“Um… okay.” He said, feeling his bladder scream as he took a sip. “Flattering that you care about me so much.”

Her face turned red. “Whatever. I just don’t want to dispose of your body when you die of heatstroke.”

“Uh-huh, sure.”

She groaned and walked off. When she left, he stared at the cup. He didn’t want to fill his bladder any more than he had already, but Calypso was admittedly right, the summer heat was getting to him. Reluctantly, he picked up the glass and slowly drank the rest. The next half hour went by relatively slowly. He continued working on the sphere, but it didn’t feel he was progressing much.

Suddenly, there was a large increase in pressure, and he leaked. “Ah! Sheesh, this is bad.” He said out loud before looking in the direction of Calypso’s house. “Whatever! I’m barely focusing on it like this anyway.” He got up and began walking to the house with his hands on his crotch.

Around halfway to the house, he doubled over and shoved his hands as hard into his privates as he could. He felt another leak. “J-jeez. I didn’t realize it was that bad.”

After a few seconds, he continued walking and soon approached Calypso’s house. She was in the front of the house, doing some gardening. As Leo came, she looked up from her plants. “Are you okay? You don't look so hot.”

He managed a smile. “I'm always hot, sunshine.”

“Uh-huh.” She raised an eyebrow. “Is that what your imaginary girlfriend says?”

A blush grew on his face. “What? No! I mean, uh, yes? But not–”

“Are you alright? You’re squirming even more than normal.”

Leo made an attempt to stop, which caused him to leak more. A wet spot formed on his pants, and he shoved his hands into his crotch.

Her face slowly turned into that of realization. “Leo… have you been putting off using the bathroom!?”

“Um… that… it's not as bad as it looks, I swear.” It was then his body decided to leak again. Because, you know, screw him. The wet patch expanded and a few drops fell to the soil below. “Uh, that's–”

“Oh for gods’ sake, Leo! Why did you wait so long before coming here!?”

“That’s great, but before you tell me off can I—”

“Honestly! You shouldn’t get so carried away while working! I know you’re desperate to get away from me or whatever, but you have your limits!”

“Ah! Calypso, I—”

“I mean, seriously, did you think you could hold it for—”

“C-Calypso, I’m not going to… ugh!” He couldn’t hold it anymore. A familiar warm feeling grew in his underwear, unable to stop it this time. The wet spot went down his legs, and a yellow liquid pooled in the dirt below. “O-ohhhhhh.” He moaned.

Calypso looked visibly shocked. Leo was extremely embarrassed and wanted to apologize, but couldn’t help but moan from relief. He was sure his clothes were ruined at this point. Soon, the feeling of relief wore off, and the two were left in an awkward silence, outside of the sound of his urine falling on the ground. Barely holding it together, he mumbled something resembling “sorry about that.”

His face was red as it could be, not helped by the summer sun. Soon the stream stopped, leaving Leo looking away in shame. “Oh, Leo…” Calypso started.

“Look, just, don’t say it, alright?”


“I know I’m a dumbass, and I should’ve gone earlier, but you don’t need to say it alright?”

“Leo, come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Calypso had a warm smile that was comforting for him. It was infectious, causing him to smile too.

She took his hand and brought him into her house. He was brought into her bathroom, which resembled a Greek bathhouse, albeit much smaller, and with a toilet. “Alright, take off your clothes.” She said, surprising Leo.


“Your clothes. Take them off so I can clean them and you can bathe.”

“Uh, right.” She was showing no signs of giving him any privacy and he was too embarrassed to ask, so he began stripping. His underwear was visibly soaked, occasionally letting a residue droplet fall to the floor. Soon, he rid himself of them, along with his shirt, his shoes, and his socks, leaving him as nude as the day he was born. Calypso luckily didn’t look down much, but her intense eye contact wasn’t much better. He got in the bath as soon as he could. When he hopped in, she grabbed his clothing (The idea of her touching his piss-soaked clothing made him want to join Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus.) and walked out.

After bathing for a while, she returned with his clothes, fully clean. He hopped out of the bath (really wishing there was a towel) and redressed himself. “Better?” She asked.

Leo didn’t answer the question, looking away.

“Leo… my opinion of you hasn’t lowered at all.”

He looked back at her, and a smile began to form on his face. “Gee, Calypso—”

“My opinion of you was already at rock bottom.”

His smile quickly turned into a scowl. They stayed silent for a moment before bursting into laughter. Maybe being trapped on this island wasn’t such a terrible fate… wait, what?

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