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The Omozone
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Marco sipped at his juice nervously. He was currently at a party at Saint Olga’s School for Wayward Princesses, one of the many parties the school had since Miss Heinous was driven out of the school. Marco was told that the party would be more casual than usual, so instead of the normal Princess Turdina fit, he simply wore his normal hoodie with a black skirt, along with the usual wig. However, the party seemed to be even wilder than what was standard at the school, Marco felt extremely anxious throughout most of the party, and it only got worse as the night progressed, trying to distract himself with the punch. 


“Heyyyy, Earth-Turd!” Called a shrill, annoying voice from a few feet away. He looked over to see Ponyhead approaching him.  “How are you enjoying the party? Craaazy, right?”


He cringed at her voice. “Yeah, um… I think I’m going to leave ea-”


“Booooo.” Ponyhead interrupted.


Marco stayed silent for a second before continuing. “As I was saying, I’m going to leave early, so tell Star that she has to borrow Princess Arms’ scissors.”


“Why are you leaving so soon though!? The party’s only getting started!”


“Well… I’m just feeling dizzy and anxious and-” Marco noticed Ponyhead snickering, clearly trying to hold back a fit of laughter. “What's so funny?”


“Okay, so I may have had something to do with that.” 


“What do you mean?”


Ponyhead's laughter picked up before she continued. “I SPIKED THE DRINKS! HA!”


“What!?” Marco dropped his cup. “I've never had a drop of alcohol before, and now I've been drinking it all night!? I gotta tell Star and-”


“Relax, Earth-Turd, this ain't Star's first rodeo. Besides, look, she’s having fun!” Ponyhead motioned with her head to Star, who was doing a worm dance on a table.


“Weirdly, she doesn't seem different at all,” Marco commented. “Look, just make sure she gets home safe, alright?”


“Mmm-hmm, that’s alright, I gotcha.” Ponyhead said, not paying much attention to what he was saying.


That was all the confirmation Marco needed at the moment. He took out his scissors and opened a portal. He went through it, entering his room on the other side. As he closed the portal behind him, he began feeling a strange feeling in his abdomen. “ Crap. ” He thought to himself. He really should use the bathroom, he’d be more comfortable that way. On the other hand…


He looked at his bed. Sleeping sounds REALLY appealing right now, though. He collapsed in his bed and fell asleep.




Marco woke up what felt like not long after that, only to see that his room flooded with water. As soon as he noticed, he yelped and sat up. “Heyyyy, Marco!” Called a voice from the door. He looked up to see it was Star. “I made the house into a pool again Marco! And I made it even BETTER this time!”


“Why would you do thaAAAAT-” Marco’s voice cracked and he grabbed his crotch as his bladder punished him for not going to the bathroom last night. “Look, can you just give me a ride to the bathroom? The last thing I need right now is wet socks.” He shuddered at the thought.


“Okay! Hop on!” Star moved the raft over to Marco. 


Marco took a moment to get on it and nearly fell in trying, but Star grabbed onto him at the last second. “Woah, easy there.” She said casually, beginning to row out of his room. 


Now that he was safely on the raft his attention re-shifted to the heavy weight inside of him. He shook violently, wanting to do nothing more than sit on the toilet and let loose. “We nearly there, Star?”


“Don’t worry, we’re nearly there, Marco! Just hold on a little more!”


Marco looked up and saw that they were entering the bathroom. The water in the room was thankfully at a lower level than that of his bedroom. Despite how desperate he was, he still took the time to take his shoes and socks off, leaving them on the raft. He then got off and sat on the toilet, pulled off his underwear, and let it all go. He closed his eyes and leaned back on the toilet.


Though… weirdly it didn’t feel like it was going in the toilet. He opened his eyes and looked down. Nope, it definitely was going in the toilet. As he looked, he noticed Star was looking at him lifelessly.


“Uh… do you mind?” Marco asked.


“Oh, sorry.” She twisted around on the raft, now staring in the opposite direction.


The stream went on for another little while, before slowing down and stopping. He pulled his underwear and re-adjusted his skirt. “Phew. You can look now.” 


Star turned back around. “You feeling better, buddy?”


“Way better.”


“Soooooo, ready to enjoy the new water park in your house !?”


“Heck yeah, let’s do this!”




Marco woke up groggily, with his face on a pillow. He had a massive headache. His thoughts drifted to the previous day, and also his dream. “ Ah, so it was a dream. Makes sense, Star wouldn’t do that… again. ” As he thought, he began to realize something. There was a warm sensation around his hips and legs. He turned over and…


OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD! ” There was a massive wet spot on the bed and on both his skirt and hoodie. “ How did this happen!? Oh god, how am I gonna explain this!?


Just then, the door opened quickly, startling Marco. “Hey, Marco! Guess whaaaaaaaa… what?” She looked down at the result of Marco’s accident. “Uh… too much to drink at the party?” 


“Ugh, yeah, I-” He stopped talking for a second. “Wait, how do I know this isn’t another dream?”


“Pinch yourself, I guess? I don’t feel like a dream person.”


Marco did as she said, and confirmed that he was not in fact dreaming. “Damn it… I really wet the bed huh?”


“Don’t worry, I can fix that right up!” She took out her wand and aimed it at Marco and the bed. 


“Star wait, no!” A green light hit the bed, and before he knew it, his clothes and the bed dried off. 


“Huh. For once that busted wand seemed to wo-” What he was saying was interrupted by his bed suddenly coming to life and running around the room.

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