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A Routine Patrol (Moon Girl)



New York City. The city where somehow supervillains always reside. And also home to a girl named Lunella Lafayette. While Lunella may appear as an ordinary (albeit brilliant) teenager to most people during the day, at night she becomes the superhero known as Moon Girl who fights crime with her sidekick Devil Dinosaur. 


Tonight was a routine patrol, with Lunella and D.D. roaming the streets, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. At the same time, Lunella’s best friend (slash social media manager) Casey Calderon desperately tried to keep up with her, as it was her job to take pictures of Moon Girl in action.


Moon Girl used her jetpack to boost up to a nearby building and sent out a ping that scanned the streets for signs of life. While the scan went through, she shuffled her feet slightly. Her bladder was sending signals to her brain. “ Ugh. Stupid human needs. ” She thought sarcastically.


“Rawah Ruh?” Devil called to her from the street below.


“Huh? Oh no, I’m fine D.D! I just really need to find a way to make the scanning process faster.” Lunella’s helmet let out a “ding” sound effect, indicating that it was finished. “And there it is.” She smirked. 


She scoped out the nearby signs of life for anything suspicious. A guy repairing his car? Nope. Some couple making out? Double nope. Two figures struggling in a dark alleyway? Jackpot.


“Spotted something! Casey, Devil, on me!”


“Got it!” Casey said through the comm, while D.D. let out a grunt of approval.


Lunella reactivated her jetpack and flew down to the alleyway, where she indeed saw a man struggling to take a purse from a woman. “Hey, buddy!” The man quickly turned around with a panicked look on his face. “Didn’t anybody ever tell you that this was Moon Girl territory?” The man swiftly turned the other way and ran. “Yeah, I don’t think so, buddy.” Devil Dinosaur put his tail in front of the man, causing him to crash into it. The man fell to the ground, and Devil hit him while he was down, causing him to be knocked out.


She tied him up and went up to the woman who was being robbed. “Are you alright, ma’am?” 


“Yes, I’m alright. Thank you for saving me, Moon Girl, I thought I was gonna lose my stuff for sure!”


“It’s no problem, happy to heAAALLP!” Lunella squeezed her legs together, her bladder’s signals coming back with a vengeance, reminding her of its needs.


“Are you okay?” The woman asked, eyeing Lunella strangely.


“Yeah, I’m okay, I just gotta… be somewhere! Cya!” She blasted off into the sky, and onto a nearby rooftop. After the woman walked off, she flew back down to where Casey was recording. 


“Great job, girl! That guy looked like he was about to wet himself!”


“Haha, yeah.” Lunella said with low energy while lightly crossing her legs. She really didn’t need to hear this right now.


“And uh, and from the looks of things, so are you.” Casey added, looking down at Lunella’s legs.


“Ugh, am I that obvious?” She squeezed her legs together harder now that Casey knows. 


“Rarck Rargh?” Devil Dinosaur asked.


“Yeah, it may be time for a potty break, but…” She looked down the street. “It’s still early into the night. How about after we stop one more crime?”


“Are you sure you can hold it?”


“Yeah, I’ll be fine! Don’t worry about it!”


“If you say so, L,” Casey said, unconvinced. “Just be careful, okay?”


“Mmh-Hmm.” Lunella replied nonchalantly, before blasting off into the sky again and hopping on Devil.


“Alright, D.D., off to another area!”


“Haruh Rargh?” 


“My god, you two, I'm not five years old. I'll be fine.”


Devil Dinosaur shrugged and started running down the street, startling Lunella (much to her bladder’s dismay). Once they got a decent distance away, she put out another scan and checked the area. She had a look around and tried to find more nearby crimes. Through a building, she saw a thermal reading of a human going at dangerous levels of speed. 


“Yo, D.D.! We got a speeder on the other side of that building!” She said quickly, pointing to the building. “You go around and try to cut them off, I’ll go over!”


Devil nodded and Lunella blasted off onto the building and ran across the roof. She looked at the street on the other side and groaned at what she saw. It was Rocking Rudy, the only villain who has escaped her and Devil every time. But that’s about to end. 


“RUDY!” Lunella dropped down to the streets below and used her jetpack to chase after the car he was riding.


“Can’t stop me Moon Girl~!” Rudy said in his usual cocky tone, looking back at her. However, looking back around, he was shocked to see Devil Dinosaur charging towards him. “I don’t think so!!” He hit the brakes on the car and started to reverse. Lunella was going too fast and her lower body hit the car, causing her to spin out of control, hitting Devil and knocking him over. As the impact happened, she could feel her bladder failing for a few seconds, causing her to leak.


Rockin’ Rudy is rolling ooooouuuttt! ” Rudy sang as he drove away. 


“Ughhhhh! We lost him AGAIN!”


“Rawuh Rawr Rah!” Devil shouted in frustration. He looked down and saw Lunella squirming. “Raw?” He questioned.


“Yeah, you’re right. It’s time for a break.” She got up and looked behind her, seeing Casey frantically trying to catch up with Devil. “I-” She puffed. “Did… did I miss it?” 


“Yeah, but it’s probably for the best, we got our butts kicked.”


“Oof. Rockin’ Rudy again?.”


“Yup. Anyways, I should probably-”


Suddenly, an alert appeared on her helmet’s heads-up display. 




“Crap! The Federal Reserve is being robbed! It looks like the break is going to have to wait.”


“Frouh?” Devil asked.


“I’ll be fine. C’mon, let's go.”


Lunella and Casey quickly hopped on Devil Dinosaur and rode off. As they raced through the streets, she rocked around, causing her to shudder. Eventually, the trio reached the bank and headed in. 


Inside the bank, many hostages were laying scared in the corner. Behind the counter, there were four men. One, who was wearing a white mask and looked like he was leading the bunch. The second one was big and muscular, wearing a yellow shirt. The third one was a man in an old-fashioned cyan suit holding a lasso. The fourth was a skinny guy dressed in purple and holding a pistol. 


Lunella wasted no time attacking the criminals, jetpacking into the group, and attempting to punch one of them with her boxing glove. However, the cowboy one wrapped his lasso and threw it around her, tossing her against a wall, causing her to leak again.


“So boys,” The one in the mask said with a gruff voice. “Looks like Moon Girl has come for little old us.” He walked towards her intimidatingly. Seeing her squirm around, he smirked under his mask. “What’s the matter, Moon Girl? Nervous?”


“Nope!” She kicked his legs, knocking him over. “I just have better things to do than beat up you suckers!” She threw a small device on top of him, which exploded into a ton of pink gum, sticking him to the ground. He growled. “Get her, Enforcers!” 


The one in purple took a shot at Lunella. Seeing him about to shoot, she quickly dodged out of the way and threw another gum grenade at him, covering his gun and knocking him into a counter. The buff guy quickly approached her and went in for a punch. Lunella crouched and went under his legs. She saw the cowboy preparing for another attack with the lasso. As soon as she saw him throw it, she launched forward and grabbed, it throwing it around the buff one. Before the cowboy could react, she knocked the lasso out of his hands and threw her last gum grenade at him, sticking him to the ground. 


She landed on the floor. As the adrenaline from the fight wore off, her bladder reminded her of her need, causing her to cross her legs and shiver. Normally she would reassure the hostages and wait for the police to arrest the criminals (What did they call themselves? Enforcers?) before leaving, but today, her bladder has other plans. She quickly ran out of the building past Casey, who was recording the whole thing, and Devil, who was too big to fit in the bank. 


Casey hit stop on the recording and followed Lunella. “What’s wrong, Moon Girl?” (Calling her by her superhero name since there were people around.)


“Nothing, just…” She shivered, feeling another leak. “Gotta get back to HQ.”


“Oh, right. That thing you needed to do.”


“Yup. That thing.” Lunella responded as they climbed on top of Devil. “Okay, let’s head back, D.D.” 


Once again, Lunella had to endure a long and bumpy ride on Devil. The ride back to the Lower East Side took about 15 minutes, but it felt like years for her. Luckily, she installed a bathroom in her lab that she could use as soon as they got back.


Eventually, they reached the Moon Girl HQ, where Lunella quickly hopped off Devil. However, when she reached the ground, a five-second spurt came out, leaving a stain on her yellow shorts. She twisted her legs together as hard as she could and shoved her hands into her crotch.


“Woah, easy now,” Casey put her arm around Lunella. “One step at a time.”


“I’m not gonna make it!” Lunella shouted. 


“Yes you are! Now just take a step.” 


Lunella listened and unwrapped her legs, taking a step forward. No problem. She took another. She felt a leak and started desperately squirming. 


“Woah, woah. You got this, girl. Just keep it cool.” Casey assured.


Slowly but surely, she took another step, but this time, she wasn’t as lucky as her first step. Pee started gushing out of her. “NO, NO, NOOOO!” Lunella shouted. She shoved her hands on her crotch as hard as she possibly could, but it was to no avail. The pee gushed through her fingers and onto the concrete below. Casey saw the puddle growing and backed off from Lunella, being mildly grossed out by it.


Lunella, realizing that she wasn’t gonna be able to hold it in, so she took her hands off and let go. The stain on her shorts was growing larger and larger, making it plainly obvious to anyone seeing it that she was wetting her pants. She let out a big sigh, taking in the relief. After around twenty more seconds, her stream died down, leaving an awkward silence. With a blush, Lunella remembered she was being watched. She turned around to Devil and Casey, who were both staring at her. “I’m sorry, Casey, I ruined your outfit. I should’ve gone earlier but I put it off like an idiot.” She started crying.


“Hey, don’t worry about it, Lunella.” She said. “Everyone has accidents, and we can just clean the costume.”


“Rawr-Ra!” Devil said encouragingly.


Lunella wiped the tears from her face. “Thanks, you two.” 


“That’s what friends do. Why don’t you go have a shower and get changed? I’ll mop up the mess.”


Lunella nodded and went to the elevator to her room. 


“Now… does Lunella keep a mop around here?” Devil shrugged, unsure.

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