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Marco and Kelly's Walk (SVTFOE)



“WOOOOOOO!” Kelly shouted, throwing her hands in the air. She was currently riding on the back of Nachos, which belonged to her boyfriend (Or “break-up buddies” as they’ve taken to calling it.) Marco’s dragon cycle. They were taking a trip across a dimension known for its scenery. Currently, they were driving through large woodlands. Marco was driving and got startled by her shouting.


“Haha, sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya,” Kelly said. “It’s just this SO COOL! How did you even get your hands on a dragon cycle!?”


“Long story. Like, 16 years too long.” 


“Okaaaaaay,” Kelly said, choosing to ignore the strangely specific choice of words. “Remind me where we’re going next?” 


“We’re going to go up Mount Marnus, just in time to see the sunset! It's supposed to have one of the best views in the multiverse!” 


“That sounds nice.” Kelly blushed. She had only been going out with Marco for a few weeks, but she already felt happier with him than she ever did with Tad. Kelly tried to relax a bit, but after a few seconds, she felt a shift in her bladder. She tensed up and tried to ignore it.


To take her mind off it, she looked at the scenery. It wasn’t very easy, given how fast they were going, but it was still lovely to see all the forestry. Eventually, she started resting her head on Marco’s shoulder (causing him to blush furiously) and began to drift to sleep… sort of. If she fully went to sleep she would fall off the bike.


After around a half hour, she was awakened by her bladder sending frantic signals to her brain. “Mmmm…” Kelly whined, shuffling a bit on the seat.


“You okay?” Marco looked back, reminding Kelly that she wasn’t on the bike alone.


“Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just… how much longer till we get there?”


“Should be only a few minutes now. Why?”


“Oh, no reason!” Kelly chuckled nervously. The next few minutes passed slowly for Kelly, subtly squirming when Marco wasn’t paying attention.


Eventually, they reached Mount Marnus, and Marco parked Nachos by the side of the mountain. When Kelly hopped off the bike, she leaked a little in her panties. She quickly crossed her legs to prevent further damage. Remembering that she wasn't alone, she turned to Marco and sighed a breath of relief realizing he was petting Nachos.


“Okay girl, just stay there for a while. The terrain up there is too rocky for wheels.” He placed a satchel around Nacho’s neck and turned to face Kelly. “You ready?”


“Yup! Totally ready!” Kelly said nervously.


Marco gave a suspicious look at Kelly, before turning around to the beginning of the hiking path. “Okay then, let’s be off!”


The two began walking up the path, admiring all the beauty around them. Or at least, Marco did. Kelly was too focused on keeping her bladder’s contents contained.


“You okay, Kelly? You’re kinda falling behind.”


“OH! Um, sorry, I’m not great with walks.” 


“Well,” Marco started awkwardly. “Maybe it would be easier for you to keep up if we… held hands?” Marco held out his hand.


Kelly blushed furiously. She shyly took his hand and continued walking. “ We’ve kissed before, why am I so nervous about this!? ” She thought to herself.


They continued to walk for around another half-hour, Kelly trying desperately to ignore her aching need. 


“Something on your mind?” Marco asked, startling Kelly.


“N-no! Why do you ask?”


“Well, it’s just that you seem… distracted.”


“I-it’s just the walking thing! Remember!?”


“Kelly, are you sure everything’s alright? You know you can talk to me if anything’s wrong, right?”


Kelly simply looked away and rubbed her legs together. Marco noticed this movement.


“Kelly… do you need to use the bathroom?” Marco said, blushing slightly.


Kelly turned bright red. “Fine! I do hafta go. But there are no bathrooms around, and besides, I can hold it.” 


“Are you sure? I can look away if you need to-”


“NOPE! I’m fine!”


“Well, if you say so.” Marco went back to walking.


Kelly followed along with Marco but started to stray behind him again. She resisted the urge to hold herself. Marco may know she has to pee now, but she still didn’t want to dance like a toddler who needs a potty break.


More time passed, and Kelly was becoming more and more desperate. She honestly had no idea if she could hold it for much longer. But she HAD to. 


Suddenly, she felt a large wave of desperation wash over her. “Hnnnn…” She bent over and shoved her hands into her crotch. A few droplets leaked, re-dampening her panties.


Marco turned around, seeing Kelly’s desperate state. “Kelly? Are you sure you can hold it?”


“O-oh yeah! T-total- AH!” Her sentence was interrupted by another wave of desperation, but this time her holding herself wasn’t enough, and her urine started shooting out, soaking her panties.


Kelly fell to her knees, realizing there was no use in holding anymore. The pee spread to her black shorts, drenching them. Although, because of their dark colour, it would be pretty easy for someone to miss it unless they were looking for it. Unfortunately for her, Marco was witnessing it all with a blush on his face. Kelly buried her own face in her hands, trying to shield herself from the humiliation of wetting herself in front of her boyfriend.


Her pee began to make a puddle on the ground, spreading along the rocky surface. Admittedly, the relief of finally emptying her bladder felt nice, but she was too busy being embarrassed to enjoy it. Before she knew it, tears streamed down her face, into the puddle below her. “ Great, I’m crying too, just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse. ” She thought.


The stream went on for another few seconds, before slowly dying out and finishing with a final few drops. As soon as she was done, Marco came to her side, reaching his hand out to help her up. “Are you okay?” He asked, concern in his voice.


“N-no!” She shouted, still crying. “I just wet myself in front of you and ruined our date!”


“It’s fine! You didn’t ruin anything!”


Kelly sniffled. “You’re not mad?”


“Of course not. I could never be mad at you!”


“Thanks, Marco.” She replied bashfully.


“C’mon, I’ll just bring you home with my dimensional scissors.” Marco reached for his pockets, only to smack himself in the face. “Sorry Kelly, I left them in Nacho’s satchel. We’ll have to walk back down.”


“That’s okay.”




“Well, no. I just wanted you to feel better about forgetting them.”


Marco chuckled. “Well, it worked.” 


Kelly smiled and wiped away her tears. The two took each other’s hands and walked back to the bottom of the mountain, which took a while, but luckily Marco did a pretty good job of distracting Kelly from the uncomfortable feeling of her soggy shorts. Eventually, they reached Nachos, where Marco retrieved the scissors and opened up a portal to Kelly’s dimension. 


They stepped into the portal and saw Kelly’s house. Kelly let out a sigh of relief seeing that her mom was asleep. She really didn’t want to explain THIS to her. “Okay, I’ll be right back out, Marco.” 


Marco nodded and Kelly went inside and to her room. As she did, the embarrassment started to hit her again. She just peed herself! In front of Marco! She picked up a pillow and screamed into it.


Taking a deep breath, she put down the pillow and started stripping down her shorts, revealing her drenched pink-striped panties. Embarrassingly, the white parts were tinted yellow. She quickly stripped them down too and threw them both in her laundry basket.


Reaching into her closet, she grabbed new panties and a pair of sweatpants and put them on. She went back outside and saw Marco leaning against a tree. “Hey, Marco! All done!”


“Good. Are you, er… feeling better?” 


“Kinda. I’m still really embarrassed by all this.”


“Don’t be! Accidents happen to everyone.”


“Oh yeah? You got a personal example, Mister Diaz?” Kelly asked in a flirtatious tone, leaning in towards him.


“Wellll, don’t tell anyone, but one time Star was hogging the bathroom before I had my morning pee and…” Marco said, blushing.




And I think you can imagine the rest.”  He smiled.


Kelly snickered. “Well, that does make me feel a little better.”


“Good. Pity we didn’t get to see the sunset.”


“We still can if you want, the sun hasn’t set yet.”


“Really? Are you sure you’re up to it?”


“Yeah, dude. You might want to portal up there though, I don’t think we have time to walk the whole way.”


“Alright then,” Marco cut open a portal. “Let’s be off.”


They went through the portal, which led them to the peak of the mountain. “It looks like we got here just in time!” Marco pointed to the view of the sunsetting. 

“Woah,” Kelly said, amazed. “That’s beautiful. And don’t say ‘Not as beautiful as you.’”


“Read my mind.”  The two sat down and embraced each other. The nature of the dimension, and the gorgeous sunset combined to make the view seem like a painting. 


“Thanks for taking me here, Marco.” Kelly rested her head on Marco’s shoulders.


“It’s no problem. I love spending time with you.” 


The two spent the next few minutes together, watching the view together.

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