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Raine And Eda's Grom Night (The Owl House)



“Kinda surprised Faust let me come this year. Knowing him, he would probably want me as far away from Grom.” Eda smiled cheekily.

“Bump probably convinced him– so you should be careful not to pull any pranks tonight.” Raine looked at her with a sharp expression.

“Sheesh, you sound like my sister!” After another look from her date, she threw her hands up. “I’ll be on my best behaviour tonight, okay?”

They seemed to accept that. “Good. Speaking of your sister, do you know why she stayed behind?”

She shrugged. “Said something about the lovey-dovey stuff makin’ her sick. It makes me sick too, but I’m still here with you. I dunno, I think she’s just upset she didn’t get asked out.”

That got a giggle out of them. “I’m sure she has better reason than that.”

“Well, either way—”

“Ahem.” The growling voice of Faust piped up. The two teenage witches looked away from each other, turned their heads forward and saw their intimidating principal. “Grom is a privilege, not a right. I will not hesitate to send you straight to detention and keep you there all night, or better yet, feed you to—”

“Relax, Fausty! My partner here already gave me their own spiel.” She put her arm around Raine, making them blush.

He grumbled something and walked away. They looked at each other for a second before laughing hysterically. Eda wiped a tear from one of her eyes. She looked back at them and took a look at their outfit. They were wearing a bright red suit, with a black shirt underneath, and a matching red bow tie. As for herself, she was wearing a suit as well, hers being brown and a lot cheaper.

Nervously, Raine made a move and grabbed Eda’s hand as they approached the auditorium. She didn't seem to notice, however, rambling about plans for future pranks. They didn’t pay much attention to her words, mostly admiring her beauty. Soon, the two of them reached the hall and entered.

It was both of their first groms so they were both taken aback by the spectacle. And the Grom fight hadn’t even officially begun yet! At that moment, Raine began feeling the need to pee, a pretty bad need, actually. They thought for a moment, wondering if it was worth it. Hexside had only one gender-neutral bathroom, all the others being for boys or girls. Said bathroom was on the other side of the school. They didn’t want to keep Eda waiting, especially since they asked her out.

“Yo, Rainestorm! Snap out of it! I asked if you wanted to get some punch!”

“Oh! Uh, sorry! That sounds great.” They said without thinking, immediately cursing internally.

“Great!” Still holding their hand, she ran to the table with the drinks, eying them greedily. She picked up one plastic cup and brought out a hip flask from inside her jacket.

“Eda, is that hard apple blood!? I thought you said no pranks tonight!”

“Relax! I’m just putting a little in mine. Unless you want some, too?”

They sighed. “No, I'm fine. Titan, Eda…”

“It'll be fine! And here's your unspiked drink.” She said, handing them a plastìc cup.

“Oh, uh, thank you.” They took the cup nervously. Their sips were slow, being aware of nature's call.

Eda's cocky smile slowly changed to that of worry. “Are you okay? You’re acting a little strange.”

They felt their cheeks heat up. “Me? I-I’m fine! Peachy, even!”

She inspected their body language carefully. “Are you sure? You look—”

“Oh, Edaaaa!” Came a shrill voice from beside the two witches, making them both frown.

“Ugh, Odalia.” Eda said angrily.

“Where did you get the suit? The uh… dirt… store!?” Odalia tried. She herself was dressed in a purple gown, accompanied by Alador, her boyfriend, who looked bored.

The ginger girl rolled her eyes. “Yeah, nice one Odalia. Why don’t you annoy someone else?”

“I know, it was a nice one, wasn’t it?” She said without a hint of irony, flipping her hair back. “C’mon, Alador. Let’s find someone with an actual sense of style to talk to.” They turned around and left.

“She has a super punchable face, you know.” Eda said through gritted teeth, rolling up her sleeves.

“Eda, just ignore her.” Raine placed their hand on her shoulder. “We’re here, whether she likes it or not. Let’s just have fun while we’re here.”

She sighed. “Yeah, screw her anyways.” Looking at the dance floor, she put her hand out. “You wanna dance?”

They took her hand with a small blush on their face, accepting nonverbally. The two walked onto the dance floor and began to dance. However, as much fun as they were having, they were having trouble dancing with their need to pee. Eda looked at them suspiciously but didn’t say anything.

After about a half-hour, things were beginning to look bad for Raine. They really regretted having that punch, but Eda would’ve gotten suspicious if they didn’t.

“Woo! I’m exhausted after all of that!” She said, stretching. “You wanna take a break?”


The two witches walked to the side of the dance floor. “Wonder when the Grometheus fight is gonna start?”

“Everyone, clear the dance floor! The Grometheus fight is about to begin.”

“Huh. Guess it’s good we got out of the way now.”

The floor opened up, and that year’s Grom Queen walked down the ramp. She looked nervous but kept walking. Soon, she approached Grom, who looked at her for a second before roaring and shifting into a clear-blue color. Soon, it fell to the ground and expanded, slowly filling up the room. It quickly became abundantly clear that one of the queen’s fears was drowning.

Raine gulped as the pit filled with water. Their bladder silently screamed in pain. A leak came out, and they gasped, crossing their legs.

Eda looked at them, worried. “Hey, do you need to pee?”

“What!? No, I—” They stopped themself. “Okay, fine. I didn’t want to interrupt our date. Sorry.”

She sighed. “Stop apologizing and just go to the bathroom, dude.”

“Got it.” They said quickly, rushing out of the hall. As they ran, another leak creeped out of them. “Mmmh!” They groaned, stopping their running to cross their legs. “Please just let me make it.”

They resumed their track to the bathroom, this time walking slower. It was brutal on their bladder to walk to their relief so slowly, but it would’ve been even worse if they ran all the way there. After what felt like hours, they finally reached the bathroom. Entering it, they saw that two of the three stalls were out of order, and the only working one was the one furthest from the door. Gritting their teeth, they waddled to the stall and shut it without locking.

Raine rushed in front of the toilet and tried to remove their belt— only for it to not come off. The pants were a bit oversized, so they closed the belt as tightly as possible. Unfortunately, that had come back to bite them, as it was refusing to come off.

Another leak further dampened their loins, and their bladder was clearly expecting to have been emptied by now. A whimper escaped them, desperate to get out of their pants. They tugged and tugged, but it refused to come off. “No, no no! Please, just come off alrea—” They paused. “Oh no.”

The pee began flooding their underwear and pants. A stain slowly spread downwards and created a puddle at their feet. They sighed, no longer trying to hold it back, and it was obvious the stream wasn’t stopping. The liquid was, expectedly, warm.

Their eyes teared up, completely at a loss as to what to do. On top of that, their legs started shaking and they soon collapsed, putting them on their knees, and soaking some parts of their pants that previously managed to remain dry.

The stream slowly died off, leaving Raine with not much left to do but cry.


Eda gave a big cheer as the Grom Queen defeated Grom. “That was awesome!” She said to herself. “A pity Raine missed it. Speaking of which, where are they? They should’ve been back by now.”

Just as she said that her scroll began buzzing. She opened it and answered the call. “Eda? Can… can you come to the bathroom, please?”

“Hm? Are you okay?”

“Just come! Please!”

“Okay, okay! I’m on my way.”

She headed to the bathroom, wondering what was wrong with Raine. When she reached the door, she heard crying and quickly rushed in. “Raine!? What ha—” Her eyes darted to the open space at the bottom of the door. There was a yellow puddle creeping past the door. “Oh.”

“Titan, Eda! I-I couldn’t get my belt off, and then it just all started flowing out, and—”

“Hey, it’s okay! Can you let me inside?”

“Th-The door’s unlocked.”

She opened the door and saw Raine with their suit pants soaked, kneeling in front of the toilet. “Oh, Raine…”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, really! If anything, it’s that stupid belt's fault!” She pointed to their midsection.

They managed to laugh through their sobs. “That’s sweet of you, Eda, but I think peeing myself is something to be ashamed of.”

“You’re wrong! And I’ll prove it by peeing my pants too!”

“Eda, please don’t pee yourself on purpose.”

“Too late, already doing it!” She closed her eyes and tried to push it out. After a few seconds, however, nothing was happening.

“Uh, so is your underwear super absorbent or something?”

“No. This is… just really hard to do on purpose… or when you barely need to go.” She opened her eyes and groaned. “Okay, I give up. But you get my point!”

Raine giggled. “Not really, but thank you anyway, Eda.”

“Anytime. Here, take this.” She unbuttoned her suit jacket and handed it to Raine. “If ya’ tie it around your waist nobody will notice it.”

They inspected their pants, beginning to get up. “The wet parts go down pretty far.”

“Well, if somebody notices, I’ll whack ‘em so hard they’ll forget they saw anything!”

They laughed. “Okay. Let’s head back to my place. I really need a change of clothes.”

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