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Battle Against Her Enemies And Her Bladder (Ty Lee)



“Are you even listening, Ty Lee?” Azula said, annoyed.

Ty Lee, who just broke out of a bored trance, squeaked. “Uh, totally, Azula! Just… remind me?”

Azula rolled her eyes. “I was just saying we’re putting off the search for the Avatar to head to Ba Sing Se. Fire Nation mechanics have invented a brand-new drilling device that will bring the walls of Ba Sing Se down.”

“Cool!” Ty Lee said, smiling.

“You really should pay more attention to your surroundings.” Mai said dryly.

“Mmmh. Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Truthfully, Ty Lee wasn’t just bored; she had to pee, and the tank train didn’t have a bathroom. But she was used to holding it for long periods, both because of her time as nobility, when she could not use the bathroom at fancy parties and such, and because of her time in the circus, when she could not go during the long performances. Granted, her abilities were less than Azula’s, who could hold it for 24 hours without even getting squirmish. (She knew because Azula reminded her every time she or Mai needed to pee at an inconvenient time.) “So… how much time will it take?” Ty Lee asked.

“Take to what?” Azula raised an eyebrow.

“To get to Ba Sing Se.”

“Well, obviously it would be… uh… Mai, how long is it to Ba Sing Se?” Azula turned to the dark-haired girl.

“It’s on the other side of the Earth Kingdom, so about two-and-a-half weeks.”

“Two-and-a-half weeks.” Azula answered as though she hadn’t asked Mai right in front of Ty Lee.

Ty Lee knew exactly what it meant: they could not use the bathroom except during the very short breaks to sleep and eat. The acrobatic girl was beginning to feel extremely desperate. She was considering ripping of the band-aid and just telling Azula she needed a break, as scary as the thought was. After a few minutes, she had just about enough and decided to say something. “Hey, Azula? I gotta—” She was interrupted by a big bang. The tank train came to a sudden stop.

Azula frowned. “Somethings going on. Get ready for a fight.”

The door opened, and a giant stone wall greeted the three girls. “GIVE IT UP!” A deep voice on the other side called. “WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! YOU DON’T HAVE A CHANCE!”

She scratched her chin and looked down. “Maybe a tank isn’t the best option for a top-secret mission in enemy territory.” Looking up, she began to shout: “Listen, rocks-for-brains! You may have us surrounded, but that doesn’t mean we’re the ones without a chance!” The three jumped to the top of the stone walls and immediately began fighting.

About twenty Earth Kingdom soldiers were on the other side of the wall. Azula began shooting blue flames, Mai threw her knives, and Ty Lee ran to chi-block the soldiers. The quick movements of Ty Lee’s attacks created a strain in her bladder. She just wanted the fight to be over as soon as possible.

Before long, the enemies were falling back into the nearby woods. Panting, Azula approached one of the paralysed soldiers that Ty Lee chi-blocked. “Talk.” She said aggressively.

“We-we’ve been tracking your— whatever that thing is,” He indicated to the tank train. “for three days.”

“So you must have a camp. Where is it?”

The soldier hesitated. “North. Behind the big rock.”

“Then why’d they just head west?”

“It’s a diversion technique. We lose the enemy first before going in the right direction.”

Azula gave a smug smile. “Y’know, I’m a damn good liar. That means I can spot one, too.” She stomped on his chest.

“I-I’ll never tell you! I d-don’t care what you do to me!”

Her smile became bigger and more twisted. “Y’know, you may not care what happens to you… but it isn’t you that I would worry about.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“If you don’t tell me where your base is, I’ll make you watch as all of your brothers-in-arms get incinerated to death.” She indicated to all the other soldiers that Ty Lee chi-blocked.

“Y-you wouldn’t!” The soldier shouted, terrified.

Azula ignited a blue flame in both of her hands. “You wanna test that theory?”

He gulped. “I… I was telling the truth, apart from it being north. It’s south.”

“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it? Ty Lee, Mai, tie them up.”

As she followed her friend’s command, Ty Lee felt her bladder becoming increasingly strained. They tied the many soldiers to a tree nearby and began to speed-walk in the direction the soldier told them to go. As they walked, the girl started feeling unconfident in her ability to hold it in. She waddled behind Azula and Mai, slowed down by her desperation. “Maybe Azula will go easy on me because of all the soldiers I took down?” She thought.

“Hey, Azula? I know this is terrible timing, but kinda have to pee, and I've been holding it for a while, and I was about to tell you, but then we got attacked by those Earth Kingdom guys and—”

“What's your point, Ty Lee?” Azula turned around and crossed her arms.

“Well, uh, I was just wondering, could I go? Please?”

The fire princess rolled her eyes. “Ty Lee, when these guys return to camp, they will be packing up as soon as possible. That means we need to get there before they leave, and we don't have time to lose so you can take a break to empty your tiny bladder.”

Ty Lee looked down at her feet. “Oh. Okay, that’s cool.” It actually wasn’t “cool”, but with Azula, there often wasn’t any choice but to go along with what she wanted from her.

They continued on their way for the next few minutes. Ty Lee’s bladder felt like it was about to explode. She kept her hands on her crotch, her face stuck in a worried expression. All of a sudden, there was a big bang, and they were surrounded by smoke. She felt many hands grabbing her, and a figure placed a bag over her head. She tried using her flexibility to escape, but too many people were holding her.

Over the next few minutes, Ty Lee struggled as she heard the loud sounds of her captors running. “Ugh, let me go, idiots!” She shouted at the top of her lungs.

The people who took her did not respond. Soon, they slowed down (much to the relief of her bladder), and she was chained up. The group of people removed the bag from her head, showing that the people were in black stealth suits with Earth Kingdom emblems on them. She and her kidnappers were in a tent guarded by two soldiers. She tugged against her chains, but it was no use. She was stuck. “If you don’t let me go, Azula and Mai will kill all of you!”

“If the princess wants you alive, she's gonna turn herself in and tell us what she’s doing in the Earth Kingdom.”

If Ty Lee weren’t desperate, she would’ve laughed. “Azula isn’t going to give in to your blackmail.”

The soldier scoffed. “You better hope for your own sake that she will.”

Ty Lee wondered if Azula would actually show up. It wouldn’t be surprising if she didn’t, as saving her would have been a lot of effort. She suddenly slammed her legs together. A leak escaped her, dampening her panties. Luckily, it didn’t show on her pants or skirt, but it still worried her. “Um… do you guys have a bathroom— or, like, a hole— that I could use? I really gotta go.”

The soldier smirked. “Nice try. I’ve heard reports of your agility. You’ll just try to bust out if we let you go.”

She groaned. I mean, yeah, I probably would’ve tried to break out, but only AFTER I went.

The group of people who kidnapped her walked out of the tent. The two ordinary soldiers turned around, facing the tent's entrance, visibly looking out for any intruders that might try to save her. Then Ty Lee noticed something: a key hanging on the belt of the left guard. Immediately, she hatched her plan to escape. She reached forward with her left foot, barely reaching the oblivious guard’s key. If the key were on the other side of his belt, she probably wouldn’t have been able to reach it.

Still using her feet, she slowly but surely unlocked one of her shackles. Trying to remain silent, she grabbed the key with her free hand and unlocked the other shackle. With that, she snuck up to one of the guards and chi-blocked him. The other guard looked to his side and saw that his friend was paralysed. He was about to say something before crying out in pain from Ty Lee chi-blocking him. Thinking fast, she grabbed the bag she had her head stuffed in, tore it in half, and stuffed a piece each in both guards’ mouths.

Typically, she would’ve said some quip, but at the moment, her bladder didn't have time for that. She needed to find a lovely tree to squat behind, or she was going to explode. Just as she was about to leave the tent, she doubled over, feeling another leak enter her panties. After taking a second, she took a deep breath. “Come on, girl, you can do this.” She said, hyping herself up.

She opened the tent entrance, only to see… that she was way over her head. There were soldiers everywhere. The fact that she escaped didn't stay secret for long. One man in a captain's uniform shouted a command, and they all went after her. Ty Lee's eyes widened, and she tried to evade her attackers by somersaulting, but it quickly backfired on her. As she got on her hands, an earthbender trapped them on the ground. Simultaneously, two other earth pillars came out of the ground and trapped her legs, leaving her stuck in an upside-down position.

“Well, well, well.” The captain sneered. “Looks like we have an escapee.

Ty Lee could no longer rub her legs together to hold it due to her legs being separated. She whimpered. “Sir? Can I please go pee? I’ll come back with you willingly; just please let me go.” Her voice strained as she spoke.

“So you conveniently have to go just as you got caught? Likely story.”

“Sir, I… I really do.” She wiggled as much as she possibly could in her tight restraints. Being upside-down was making it impossible to hold it.

“How do I know you won't chi-block us and run off?”

“Well, you wo—OOOO… ohhhhhbh…” It was too late. Her body had begun peeing without her consent. The warm liquid filled her panties, eventually showing on her pants.

A few of the soldiers were laughing, while others simply looked bewildered. The warm liquid fell down. Some fell through her clothes, soaking her shirt, and others to the ground below her. As she felt it touch her face, she began to cry. As good as it felt to empty herself, she was having an accident in front of enemy soldiers.

The captain looked as though he was about to say something, but suddenly, a large number of knives and blue fire were being hurled at the base. Mai and Azula had come to save her.

Before long, Ty Lee had finished “going”, and the soldiers either ran away or were interrogated. Azula came up to her, and she closed her eyes in shame.

“Oh, Ty Lee. I'm so disappointed in you.” Azula's words stung her worse than she could've imagined. “Mai, get one of the injured earthbenders to free her. Then help her clean up in the river near the tank. Clearly, she's not mature enough to do it herself.”


Ty Lee swam in the river, nude. She may have cleaned herself of her pee, but her eyes were still wet with tears. “Azula must hate me.” She spoke to no one in particular, but someone still heard.

“She doesn't hate you.” Said Mai, sitting on a tree stump by the water's edge. “If she hated you, you'd already be dead. Or at least still upside-down in that camp.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Ty Lee didn't seem too convinced.

“Azula cares for us both. She just has an awful way of showing it.” The dark-haired girl said dryly.

Ty Lee smiled. “And you? Do you caaaaare about me?”

“You're fishing for compliments.”

She laughed. Smiling, she looked down into the crystal-clear water. There was a moment of silence. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For just… being here.”

Mai blushed, choosing to look away in embarrassment. “Anytime.” She whispered.

“What was that?” Ty Lee asked teasingly.

“I still have some knives left, you know.” She said, annoyed.

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