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Wet and West (Zuko)



Zuko sighed as he woke up. He stretched, somewhat disappointed to be back in reality. The day before yesterday, he had arrived at The Western Air Temple, where he had gone to offer his services to Aang. Things started pretty rough, but eventually, they all believed that he was on their side… except for Katara, who had threatened to kill him. You win some, you lose some.

He got out of his “bed”, if you could even call it that. It was a piece of stone with some bedding on it. As he got up, he began to feel the need to use the bathroom. He was about to go, but… he had no idea where it was. Ignoring the feeling in his bladder, he went to look for the others. He heard talking in a nearby room. He followed the voices, listening in to what they were saying.

“I’m telling you, Sokka,” Katara started. “I don’t trust him. We can’t let him stay alone. Who knows what he’s planning?”

“We don’t have a choice, Katara!” Sokka said. “I know he’s betrayed us before, but we don’t have a choice! The day of black sun was a bust.”

“I’m not saying we don’t let him train Aang; I just say we have someone look over him at night, and we can take turns. He should be fine with it if he has nothing to hide.”

Aang spoke up. “Look, Katara, if we want Zuko on our side, we must trust him. And that sometimes means giving him some space.”

It was at that moment when Zuko walked in, and his discomfort was evident from his body language. Aang and all his friends, including the two new ones who joined the group on the day of black sun, were sitting around a stone table. “Hey.” He said plainly. Everyone looked incredibly awkward.

After a few seconds, Aang spoke up. “Hey, Zuko. We were talking about uh… nothing. Katara made something to eat for breakfast.”

“Thank you.” He took the bowl from Katara, who was glaring at him. The food didn’t exactly look outstanding, but he wouldn’t say that since he didn’t want an icicle to the face. And to be fair, it was the best they could do with their limited supplies, and Aang’s diet stopped them from hunting for meat.

They ate for a few minutes before Aang sat up. “Zuko, do you want to begin my firebending training now?”

Zuko nodded. “Just let me finish,”

“I’ll wait outside for you.” He left the room.

The older boy soon finished breakfast and was about to leave the room before a familiar panging hit his bladder. He briefly considered asking where the bathroom was, but he felt too nervous with Katara’s gaze on him. He figured he would just ask Aang. Outside, he saw Aang punching the air, visibly trying to firebend. “You’re not gonna make any fire like that.” Zuko said, surprising him.

“Wha- Zuko!? You're here!”

“Yes. Like you told me to.”

“Uh… yeah. So, where do we start?”

Zuko thought for a moment. He really didn’t want to ask, but he didn’t have much of a choice. “Actually, before that, where are the bathrooms? I don’t know if this is the temple you were raised in or not, but I figured you would know.”

Aang stared at his former enemy, seeing his stiff demeanour. “Uh, I was raised in the south temple; only women were raised in this one. But I did visit here occasionally. It’s towards the bottom… er, top, of the temple. You’ll see it when you get in the area.”

“Thank you.” He mumbled, stumbling off back indoors. Getting to the bathroom was… difficult. His uncle explained why traversing the temple was so hard the last time they visited The Western Air Temple. Because the people in the temple were all airbenders, they decided to design a lot of the architecture around airbending. It was hard to get up anywhere, but he managed by making some hand rockets with firebending. As he climbed, he became more and more desperate. He had to go a lot worse than he thought he did when he woke up, making him wish he had gone looking for a bathroom sooner.

Throughout his childhood, he had various… accidents, leading to constant teasing from Azula and being told off by his father. His small bladder was notorious within the royal castle. Thankfully, he had not had any “incidents” since his banishment. He could only imagine the humiliation of wetting himself in front of his crew. Nonetheless, his bladder was still weak, and he had many close calls.

Soon, he reached the highest part of the temple and saw the sign for the bathroom. Sighing in happiness, he walked in, only to see what he could only describe as a highly complex puzzle. Tubes were going along the wall, leading to a more oversized tube that went through the roof. There were a few “entry” points in the small tubes.

It quickly hit him that even the bathrooms were made for airbending. He groaned. His bladder was so sure that it was about to be emptied, and now it just had that taken away. A small leak came out of him, creating a warmth from his underwear. He let out a pathetic whine involuntarily. He walked up to the entry point, seeing if he could just pee directly into it, but it was off the table. When he walked up, the hole was up to his neck. His “parts” definitely wouldn’t reach that high. He looked to see if there was something he could climb on, but there was nothing. Another leak came out, re-wetting his underwear.

Shoving his hands in his crotch, Zuko walked out of the so-called bathroom, only to be met by yet another leak. His eyes wandered to a window. Perhaps I could… no! He told himself off. His princely side would not let him do such an act.

He closed his eyes and crossed his legs, moving sporadically. It was all in vain, though, as urine began flowing down his legs after a few seconds, forming a puddle on the ground.

He sighed as he felt the warm liquid soak his robes. Opening his eyes, he saw his drenched clothing and that he had a spectator; Katara was in front of him, looking at him with a blush on her face. “Oh, agni.” He mumbled to himself.

Katara opened her mouth as if to say something but shut it and looked away after a second. The stream continued on for another ten seconds. Admittedly, it felt pretty good to let it out, but the humiliation of soaking the floor in front of Katara was much bigger. He felt his face go bright red.

Soon enough, the stream ended, leaving an awkward silence. “This is…” He started but faltered. “I’m, uh, I’m sorry. I tried to go, but the bathroom was…”

“It’s okay; I kinda struggled with it too, though I could just use my water—” She stopped herself, realizing what she was saying. “Uh, anyways! Sokka and Toph just go off the edge of the temple, so you should do that too in the future. And, uh, accidents happen, it’s fine.”

Zuko looked away. “Not at my age.”

“Well, you’re not much older than me.”

He looked at her with confusion.

She suddenly went back to blushing. “Ah, am I really telling this to you? Look, last week, I had to… y’know, go, and I didn’t make it. We were on Appa’s back, Sokka was being a pain, and… it’s a long story.” Her tone made it feel like she was trying to brush it off like it was nothing, but her body language suggested she was really embarrassed at the memory.

Zuko nodded, feeling a lot less embarrassed. “You’re right, this really isn’t that big of a deal.”

Katara smiled. “Want me to clean you up?”

The prince blushed. “I can do that myself, thank you!” He said at a louder volume than he intended.

She also blushed, clearly surprised by Zuko’s reaction. “Th-that’s not what I meant! I just— Ugh, here, let me just show you!” She waved her arms around and threw all of Zuko’s pee out the window. “It’s a useful trick. You should still take a shower, though.”

“Right. Thank you, Katara. But… what were you doing here in the first place?”

“Well, I noticed you were leaving Aang and thought you might be— I dunno.”

“Planning some fire nation scheme?” He said with a smile.

“Look, I’m sorry for the mistrust. You're clearly not with the Fire Nation anymore. I’ll tell Aang you're not feeling well enough to train him today.”

“Thank you.” He began to walk away.

“Oh, but Zuko?” He looked back around. “I still meant what I said last night. Hurt Aang and you’re dead.”

He gulped. “Got it.”

  • 5-Star 1


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