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Imprisoned (Korra)



Korra grunted, just enough so that Asami wouldn’t hear. The Earth Queen’s forces were taking the two to Ba Sing Se to face the judgement of their monarch. Korra was stuck in a straightjacket and attached to a hand truck, with the only other person in the room with her being Asami, who was just handcuffed to a railing and not restrained nearly as thoroughly as herself. Unfortunately, that was not Korra’s only problem; she also had to pee. Badly. She chose not to bring it up, preferring her captors and her friend to not know about her embarrassing need.

It was not that she had a problem announcing that she had to pee; she rarely held it if she had to go. The problem was that her captors would most likely not let her go, whether she asked or not, so she thought she might as well avoid the humiliation of begging to be let out. Not to mention Asami was there, and while Korra didn’t care about how she appeared to most people, Asami was the exception, at least as of the last few weeks. Recently, she had been developing some… strange feelings towards the girl, as though she needed to be perfect around her.

But Korra’s confusing feelings weren’t important at the moment. She needed to get out of her imprisonment quickly. Grunting, she pulled against her bindings to no avail. “We have to get out of this prison before we get to The Earth Queen.” She gave up on pulling against her bindings and turned to Asami.

“Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Asami said with a sly smile. “these airships that Cabbage Corp sold to The Earth Kingdom are way cheaper than the ones Future Industries built.” She lifted herself up and planted her feet on the walls. Grunting, she pulled against the wall, using the full force of her feet. After a second, the bar came off, leaving Asami free, albeit with a bar attached to her hands. She jumped over the bar, put it in front of her, and separated the bar from her hand. “Now that’s just shoddy workmanship.” The inventor quipped. As she walked towards Korra, the avatar made an effort to avoid squirming around in her restraints; lest Asami noticed her condition. “There’s no way I can get these locks off,” Asami said, much to Korra’s dissatisfaction. “I need the keys.” She looked at the metal floor and smiled, bringing her bar to the ground and leveraging it up. “Give me five minutes, then start yelling.”

Asami got down and crawled through the vents below (and, much to Korra’s embarrassment, gave her a good look at her backside.) With that, Korra was left alone. Just her and her filled bladder. The good news was that she no longer had an obligation to hide her desperation, and began to sway her body as much as she could. The bad news was that she simply couldn’t move that much thanks to her restraints. “Augh… come on, Asami!” She said to herself.

She lost track of time as it passed, desperately trying to keep her bladder’s content where it was. Her confidence was quickly dwindling as a leak entered her panties. She whimpered loudly (or at least, as loud as she could, with the cover on her mouth), and unsuccessfully attempted to bring her hands downwards. She bit down on her lip, creating a great pain, though not as great as the pain in her bladder.

Korra considered her options. First, she tried to shimmy down her pants by moving her hips. Sure, it would’ve been embarrassing to be caught half-naked near a puddle of urine (especially by Asami), but it was better than being caught with your pants on and covered in urine. Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful, as she had little wiggle room in the hand truck. Another spurt came out, along with another embarrassing whimper. This one lasted a few seconds, leaving a warm feeling down her legs. Even after it stopped, it still felt like it was still right on the edge of coming out. She ground her teeth, feeling that she wouldn’t last much longer. “Damn it, damn it…. DAMN IT!” She said to herself erratically. Knowing that she was about to burst, she finally acquired the ability to call for a guard. (Not that she had much of a choice at this point.) “Guard! Please!”

A slider on the other side of the door opened up. “What do you— hey, where’s your friend?”

Crap. Korra had completely forgotten about that. Luckily, his face suddenly hit against the door, knocking him out. The door soon after unlocked, revealing Asami, who was spinning the key ring around her finger. “Great acting there, it genuinely sounded like something happened to you. You took a little longer than you needed to, though.”

Korra had also lost track of time in her desperation. In turn, she left herself in need for a lot longer than she needed to. She didn't say anything as Asami took off her restraints, resisting the urge to clamp her hands down as soon as they were free. She may have been ready to let strangers know of her condition, but she sure as hell wasn't telling the most beautiful girl in the four nations her friend that she had to go.

“Hey, Korra, what’s this wet spot on your pants?”

She internally screamed (and invented many swear words within a millisecond.) “Uh, that’s uh… I kind of have to pee… well, more than ‘kind of’, I really have to go. And, you know, this happened.”

Asami gave a warm smile. “And you still have to go?” Korra nodded weakly. “Okay, let’s get you to the bathroom.” She said as she took off the last restraint.

As Korra stepped off the hand truck, she suddenly bent over and shoved her hand into her crotch. She felt a leak re-warm her pants. With her standing so still for so long, she barely noticed that it was that she wasn’t moving that let her last so long.

“Hey, are you alright?” Asami said reassuringly, her tone changing as she realized just how bad of a state Korra was in.

“Mmmf… I’ll be fine.” She slowly waddled, following Asami.

“Just hold on, I think I saw a bathroom between the vent and the cell.”

For a minute they walked down the halls, thankfully avoiding any guards. After a little while, though, she bent over again, biting her lips so hard she was pretty sure she drew blood. More pee came out, and despite Korra desperately trying to stop it, it flowed down her legs and formed a puddle below. “F-fuck…”

Asami stared as the lighter parts of Korra’s pants turned darker. She put her hand on the humiliated avatar’s back. “Just take a deep breath, Korra. It’ll be alright.”

Korra tried to pretend she wasn’t getting teary-eyed. It didn’t work. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s not my airship— If it was, we never would’ve gotten out.”

“B-but I made myself look like an idiot.”

“You are an idiot. That’s what I love about you.” Asami realized what she said and blushed. “Uh— I mean… well—”

Korra smiled for the first time since she got kidnapped. After a few seconds, her stream began to slow down. “Thanks. Uh… hopefully the guards won’t notice I pissed myself when we confront them?” She said unassured.

“Turn your pelt to the front; it’ll be less noticeable that way.”

She scoffed. “You’re a genius, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told.” Asami said sarcastically.

  • 5-Star 1


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