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Tiny Bladders and Teaching Long Lessons Don't Mix (Toph)



A while back, Toph decided to start a metalbending academy. That was fun at first! Then it got boring. Then they expanded, and her three students became teachers, and it became less boring! Then things got boring again. Then they found a lavabender! And then things got boring once again. She noticed a recurring theme here and she didn’t like it.

Another lesson by Toph was being taught on the main grounds when she was rudely interrupted. “Sifu Toph?” A younger student said while she was talking.

She frowned. “What did I say about talking while I’m talking?”

“I know,” The student’s voice sounded strained. “but I’ve been raising my hand for ten minutes.”

Toph rolled her eyes. “How could I have possibly not noticed?” She said sarcastically.

“I don’t know!” They responded, not noticing Toph’s sarcasm. “I really have to pee, though. Can I please take a break, Sifu?”

She groaned internally. Sokka warned her there would be days like this. “Nope. This part's really important.”

Truthfully, she didn't actually know how important this part was. Her brain was mostly on autopilot. But if it was really important, she didn’t want to play catch-up with the student. Besides, there wasn't much time left in the lesson.

Her mind wandered as she went back to speaking. Thinking about how long the student had been holding it, she realized the juice she had for breakfast had finally made its way into her bladder. She cursed her tiny bladder. “Well, I can't take a break now!” She thought. “I'd look like a no-good hypocrite!

She decided just to hold it. Unfortunately, her pee-holding abilities were less than great. When she had to go, she had to go to the nearest bathroom right away or there would be a puddle. As a kid, she often had to hold it for the fancy parties her dad threw. And she often didn’t… “make it”. Luckily, she hadn’t had an accident in years, not since gaining independence and being able to go whenever she wanted most of the time. Her bladder had also gotten stronger in the last two years, so she was sure she could hold it for the rest of the lesson.

Another minute of talking passed, and her original students entered the court from the buildings. Said students were Ho Tun, Penga, and The Dark One. (Don’t ask him his real name if you value your life.) Of course, they were no longer students anymore, they had graduated and had become teachers themselves. “Hey Toph, we’re all finished here! When do you think you’ll be done?” Ho Tun said.

She scowled. “I’d be finished sooner if I didn’t have people constantly interrupting me.”

He chuckled nervously. “Sorry! We’ll get out of your hair.”

Penga looked at Toph’s legs. “Why are ya’ squirming so much? You gotta pee or something?”

Toph’s face grew red, feeling embarrassed that Penga noticed her movements. She had not realized how obvious it was, Luckily, she managed to turn it around. “No, I’m just tired of people getting in the damn way of my lesson! Get outta here!”

Dark One sighed. “Alright, alright, we’re leaving.” They all walked out of the academy together, presumably heading into town.

With that, she resumed her lesson. Where was she? Oh, right. A demonstration. She had to spread her legs and stand up straight for it, which was not fun for her bladder. Kicking the ground, she felt a rumbling all around her, causing a leak.

It took all the power she had not to double over or leak again. Toph wasn't wearing underwear today, (or most days really, at least since running away from home) so she just hoped there wasn't a visible spot on her robes. “Stupid juice.” She mumbled before resuming her lesson.

The worst part about having to pee in front of an audience was that she couldn’t tell how they were reacting, which meant she had no idea if they could tell if she was desperate or not. Penga had noticed, after all, how could she be sure the students wouldn’t?

The lesson was passing even slower than it normally did. And that was saying a lot, because Toph’s attention span was very low. She had the students repeat what she had just demonstrated, lining them up. Eventually, they reached one student whose technique was all off. Their legs were not as far apart as they should’ve been, their arms were way too low, and they were squirming a bunch. She recognized the shape of their feet on the ground as the student who asked to use the bathroom earlier.

“Your technique is all wrong! What's wrong with you!?” She shouted.

Stopping her bending and bringing her knees together, the student whimpered. “I’m sorry, Sifu! I just… er, my need has gotten much worse! I feel like if I move too much I'll… you know!”

Toph didn't have to see to tell her student was blushing. An idea came into her head, one that would allow her to kill two birds with one stone, and also prevent her from having to play catch-up. “Okay, ten-minute break! But you all have to do forty push-ups when we get back!”

Lots of groans came from her “audience”, and the desperate student ran off to the bathroom. A few other students followed suit. It pained her to do it, but she didn’t follow them immediately, not wanting to appear desperate (even though she was.) Soon, she walked as casually as she could to the bathroom. “Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee…” She repeated to herself quietly as she began to pick up speed. However, as she approached the bathroom, she bumped into someone. “Hey watch where you’re—” They stopped talking as they turned around. “Sifu Toph, I, uh—”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Toph snarled. She joined the back of the line, attempting to keep her squirming to a minimum. After five minutes, another leak came out, making her shudder and her mini-potty dance intensified.

Another five minutes passed, and she knew the break she gave would soon be over. Hesitantly, she returned to the courtyard and prepared to continue her lesson. Once everyone returned, she immediately got them to work on their push-ups, which she suddenly regretted assigning. Some of the students finished them quickly, but most took a lot of time, leaving her squirming while they finished.

Eventually, she managed to resume her lesson, which unfortunately was hard given the aching in her bladder. She kept stumbling over her words and stuttering, really hoping that the students didn’t notice anything was off or, spirits forbid, there was a noticeable wet spot on her robes.

Her lesson was reaching its final moments when she felt yet another leak. She grunted as soon as she felt it, beginning to speed up her talking points. “Thatconcludesourlessonfortodaypleasewriteaboutyourunderstandingofwhatyoujustlearned!” She concluded.

This time, she didn’t care about her appearance and simply ran to the bathroom. She felt another burst of warmth enter her robes as she approached the bathroom door. Happiness and relief flooded her brain, only for it to be snatched away when she tried to open the door. “No, no, no, NO!” She shouted.

After thinking for a moment, she ran to the back door, leading her to the woods behind the school. As she tried to walk (although it was more like a waddle) far enough into the woods to avoid being spotted, another leak came out. She felt it roll down her legs. The rest of her bladder’s contents felt like it was just on the edge of coming out.

She whimpered (something she would never admit to doing) and began removing the top layer of her robes, which was hard to do with all her squirming. Just as it was nearly off, the floodgates broke, and she began peeing. At first, she started squirming around more and tried to stop the flow, which she quickly gave up as soon as she realized it wasn’t doing her any favours. So she just leaned against a tree and let go. The strength of her stream picked up, creating a puddle around her feet, and dampening (heh) her earthbending senses.

A moan came out of her mouth. Why the hell did this feel… good? Something about it was different from her previous accidents. It was as though her keeping herself from the bathroom instead of herself completely shifted how she saw things… or maybe it was because she hadn't started puberty the last time she had one. Either way, it inspired her to start rubbing herself through her robe, getting some of the liquid she'd been told was yellow on her hand. It felt orgasmic.

“Sifu Toph?” Came the all too familiar voice of Ho Tun from behind her.

FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” She screamed internally. The combination of the puddle surrounding her feet and her little “session” caused her to not sense him approaching. Now, paying more attention, she could just barely sense him, along with who she presumed was Penga and Dark One, and they seemed to be carrying some things. “Hey you guys,” She said awkwardly, face bright red. “thought you guys were in town?”

“We went there to pick up supplies, we’re having a picnic.” He stared at her soaked clothing. “Did you–”

She suddenly pointed a finger in the direction of his voice. “A word of this to anyone and I'll smash your head in with a rock! Or choke you with metal! Either way, it’s better you don't make me choose!”

Ho Tun gulped. “Ma'am, yes, ma'am!”

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