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The Desperate Stakeout (Zootopia)



The Desperate Stakeout


Judy took a swig of water as they began to drive out of the department’s parking lot.

“So, hypothetically, if I wasn’t paying attention during the briefing— which I totally was, by the way— what would you say to remind me of what the perp’s description was?” Nick said with a joking tone.

“You’re gonna get yourself fired one of these days, you know.”

“Hey, I’m just testing you, carrots! How do I know you were paying attention!?”

She rolled her eyes. “We're looking for a pig. They normally wear sunglasses and black clothing. They'll be carrying a briefcase. And we—”

“Gotta follow him back to wherever they go with it. That I got.”

“That you got hypothetically, right?”

He looked taken aback for a second before putting on a goofy smile. They drove for a while before arriving outside their destination: a sleazy-looking nightclub. They were working overtime, and neither of them was in uniform. Judy was wearing a black tank top and blue jeans, and Nick was wearing his usual green shirt and tie. After parking their unmarked vehicles, they leaned back and began to relax.

Nick groaned. “Ugh, we just started, and I'm already exhausted. How long is this pig supposed to take?”

“No idea. The earliest he's ever shown up for is six, the latest being eleven. And it is currently-” She looked at her watch. “Six-oh-two.”

He groaned again, this time even more dramatically. “How am I gonna survive the night!?”

“Well, I brought plenty of energy drinks. You want some?”

“No thanks, I don’t feel like being desperate for a whiz the whole time.”

“Suit yourself. Just more for me.” She grabbed a can from a bag she had by her feet and cracked it open.

“Are you sure you want to be drinking too much yourself? It’s a lot for a bunny your size.”

“I’m fine, Nick. I’ve had plenty of desperate all-nighters back at the academy.”

“Uh-huh. And did those desperate nights always end with you dry?”

Judy's face turned red, but still looked at him with a sly smile. “I'll leave that to your imagination.”

“Don't mind if I do, sweetheart.” He said sarcastically.

She took her first sip and watched carefully at all the mammals who went in and out of the nightclub. Before she knew it, she was done with her first can. After a few seconds she began drinking away at a second one.

“Isn’t drinking that much of that stuff bad for you?” Nick inquired.

“Nah. It's not like I drink it often, and I work out plenty.”

“Fair enough. Is it okay if I put on the radio?”

“Go ahead.”

Nick turned the power slider on the radio, and “Try Everything” by Gazelle came on. It just so happened to be Judy's favorite song, so she certainly wasn't complaining. As she threw the second can away and grabbed a third, she began to feel a small warning pang from her bladder. She considered not opening another one, but it was 6:30 and she was already tired. With that, she opened it up and took a sip.

Her partner noticed her slower drinking pace compared to the first two cans. He looked at her teasingly. “You still sure you can hold it?”

She blushed. “I’m fine.”

“You sure? Because—”

“I said NO!” She lashed out.

He raised his arms defensively. “Woah, sorry, Carrots. I’m just messing with you.”

She sighed and squeezed her legs together. “No, I’m sorry for getting angry. But really, I’ll be fine.”

“Well, it’s your body, not mine.”

After that, Nick decided to keep his mouth shut. Some Jerry Vole song he didn’t recognize came on the radio and he put his attention towards. Judy did much the same, though for her it was to keep her mind off her bladder.

More time passed, and as slowly as possible for Judy. She squirmed around so much that she was afraid her seat might break, as big as it was. As the clock hit seven, she felt a little bit of pee come out. Shutting her eyes, she squeezed her legs together and shoved her hands into her crotch. Nick looked at her but didn’t say anything. Soon, the wave of desperation passed, and she took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Suddenly, she noticed something and those eyes widened. There was a pig coming out of the nightclub. “Nick!”

Nick, who was in a state of half-sleep, jumped up. “Wha— What’s going on!?” The fox looked at her in shock.

“There’s our perp!” She rushed out of the car.

“Wait, Judy!” He called out to her, but it was too late, with Judy running out of the car before he could say anything.

“Freeze!” She shouted, running towards the pig and tackling them.

“Hey! Get off’fa me!” They shouted, squirming in place.

“Judy!” Nick shouted. “They don’t match the description!”

She calmed down, taking a closer look at the pig. They weren’t wearing black clothing or carrying a briefcase. She jumped off them, and they walked off, grumbling something while re-adjusting their clothing. Luckily, it seemed like not many people noticed. It was a good thing too, since that would’ve blown the whole mission.

Judy covered her face in embarrassment as they walked back to the car. As they re-entered it, Nick looked at her smugly. “So, I don’t pay attention, huh?”

“Shut up.” She mumbled.

“And you do remember we’re supposed to follow them back to wherever they go, right?”

She smacked her head against the wheel in frustration. To make matters worse, her bladder was back with a vengeance. “I think the pee is filling up to my brain. I'm acting all brash.”

“More brash than usual, you mean?”

Rolling her eyes, she crossed her legs and bit her lips. “I don’t know how much longer I can last.”

“Well, when you piss yourself, make sure you step out of the car first. I don’t want to be smelling that tomorrow.”

“Nick! I'm serious!”

“So am I! You know how long that takes to clean out!?”

She groaned and tapped one of her feet on the seat repeatedly.

Nick's face slowly changed into that of concern. “Okay, uh, how about you use one of the cans you drank out of? Or that water bottle?”

She picked up one of the cans and her water bottle and sighed. “No. The openings are too small.” Her face turned red. “A-and I can’t pee with you in the car, anyway!”

“Hey! I can look away. Anyways, lemme see if I have anything over here you can use.” He began scouring around his side of the car.

Meanwhile, Judy kept her legs locked together and her eyes shut. “Okay, just… please hurry it up!”

Nick was searched for a solid minute before giving up with a sigh. “Sorry, carrots. Can't find nothin’. I could’ve sworn I left a bunch of cans lying around in the glove compartment.”

She let out a pathetic whine. “That's because I cleaned out the car the other day.”

Nick began to look just as worried as Judy. “Okay, don't panic!” He said, panicked.

“I'm panicking!” She said, feeling another leak release itself from her.

“Okay, shit, uh–”

Another leak escaped, and she shivered. “Screw it!” She shouted, opening the door and running out.

“Judy? What are you do–” He trailed off and blushed. When he saw her run into a nearby alley and remove her belt. He looked away, turning back to the nightclub. However, something caught his attention. There was a very suspicious-looking pig carrying a briefcase. “Judy!” He whisper-shouted to his partner, trying to avoid looking at her now-exposed behind. “The guy is here!”

Judy, whose stream had just started, had to force the stream to stop, much to her chagrin. She rushed back to the car, pulling up her jeans and slightly damp panties as she ran. As soon as she sat in the car again, she squirmed like crazy.

“Um, you wanna switch seats, carrots? As soon as this guy takes off, we take off too.”

Judy just nodded her head and switched seats with Nick. The pig carrying the briefcase climbed into a car and began driving away. Nick turned the key in the ignition and drove after him slowly. All the while, Judy continued suffering in silence. She was starting to feel tears prick up in her eyes. Normally, she didn’t get embarrassed around Nick anymore, but she was feeling especially self-conscious being in this state in front of her partner.

“We’re nearly done, just hold on a little longer.”

“Mmmf… I’ll try.” Her hands were pushing so hard into her crotch that it hurt.

A few minutes later, the pig’s car pulled into a parking lot. Nick stopped their car just outside of it. The pig went up to someone in a hoodie, which the fox took a picture of with his phone. “Okay, just a few more pictures and we’ll—”


“What? What’s wrong!?”

“It’s… it’s coming out!”

“What!? Uh, can you just hold it a few minutes!?”

“I can’t stop it!” She said helplessly as she felt the warm liquid begin to fill her panties. Before long, it began showing on her jeans. Nick couldn’t get a good look at it because she was sitting, but there was still a small stain on the crotch.

Judy moaned as she stopped trying to hold it back, realizing it was useless. The pee pooled around her butt, creating a puddle and seeping into the car seat. Nick, who was blushing just as much as his relieved friend, realized that the pig had left and put his phone away. “C’mon, let’s get you home.”

As Nick pulled back into the road, Judy’s stream began to die off, leaving her with just the painful embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Nick. You were right. I shouldn’t have drank so much.”

“Hey, it's alright.”

“It’s not!” Judy shouted. “You said it yourself, this'll take forever to clean out!” She indicated to the soaked car seat.

“That? I was just messing with you! These seats are leather, it'll clean up easily.” He tapped his own seat for emphasis.

She took a long, deep breath. “Okay. Can we go to my place before we drop off the car at the station? I really need a change of pants.”

“No problem.”

“Thanks, Nick. Really. I know this is… weird.”

What?” Nick said sarcastically. “Nahhh. My friends pee themselves all the time. As a matter of fact, it’s kinda weird it’s taken you this long to pee yourself.”

Judy laughed through her teary eyes. After a few seconds, she planted a sneaky kiss on Nick’s cheek.

He blushed. “What was that for?”

“For being you.”

  • 5-Star 1


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