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Banner art ©2019-2020 Dimwitrolo.

The following are the basic rules governing the Omozone. Make sure you're familiar with them before you start posting. In addition to any rules listed below, staff reserves the right to remove illegal content even if it does not specifically violate any rule.

  • Persons under the age of 18 are not to use this site. This is a pornographic site.
  • Speak English. The site is run by English-speaking staff and based in an English-speaking country, so all public discussions should be in English as well. This rule does not extend to text or dialogue in images or videos nor to private conversations between users.
  • Don't spam. This includes one-word posts and minimal-effort writing or art.
  • Harassment is not allowed. Keep discussions orderly and respectful.
  • Gore or other shock material is not allowed. This includes artwork and photographs.
  • Real world non-consensual or underage content is not allowed.
  • Real world pornography should not be posted here. This means vanilla porn - actual real world sex.
    • As an extension of this, vanilla nudes are generally not allowed either, in posts or as user avatars or in signatures.
  • Do not backseat moderate. If you have an issue with a post, give it a negative vote and report it.
  • Do not ask for or distribute personal information that isn't yours. This includes photographs, physical descriptions, names, addresses, and anything else that can be used to identify a person.
  • Drawing or writing about real people without their consent is not allowed.
    • Please be careful when giving someone permission to depict your likeness. Once you have given the required information to an artist, staff are no longer in a position to intervene. We will take action if consent is retracted, but keep in mind that retraction of consent does not apply to already-existing works that were made consensually.
  • Do not start drama with other users. If you have a problem with another user, report them or message an admin and we'll sort it out. Do not let your personal disputes with another user spill out into the public.
  • Do not start drama involving other sites. Other fetish sites do not impact how this site is run. Administration here doesn't care about how administration of other sites behave. Don't bring outside drama here.
  • This is not a place to discuss real-world politics. The occasional mention of something that is itself inherently political is not necessarily a violation of this rule - however, beginning a full discussion of real-world politics, religion, etc. should be avoided. This rule does not extend to characters in stories or art expressing their own opinions, whether or not their creator agrees with them, nor does it extend to fictional politics (such as Legion/Stormcloak debates) or political discussions within the context of a story or piece of art, regardless of whether it is set in the real world.
  • Piracy is not tolerated here. Do not distribute paid content from any sources here unless you are the original creator or you have permission from the original creator.
    • For commissioned works, be sure to discuss distribution rights before money changes hands, and ensure that you have the proper permissions before sharing works you have purchased.
  • Plagiarism is not tolerated here. It's perfectly fine to share content made by others, but you are not allowed to claim or imply that you have made something that is not yours.
  • Ensure that content is properly tagged. There are a few pre-defined tags you can and are encouraged to use, but you can also make your own to describe what sort of content you've made. All posts require at least one tag.

Staff have full discretion with how they would like to enforce these rules. If you have an issue with a moderator's behavior, contact an admin.

Additionally, site staff are not responsible for content posted by users. If content does not explicitly violate any rule, it will not be removed. This extends to anything that any individual might find offensive, including but not limited to language and images. Site staff, regardless of any personal opinions they might hold, will not take any ideological stance when performing their moderation duties, and as such no content will be removed merely because it is offensive - it will only be removed if it violates a rule.

Similarly, staff will not intervene in disputes, financial or otherwise, involving commissioned artwork, stories, etc. The creator sets the terms on which they will sell their work, and it is your own choice whether or not to agree to those terms. The only exception to this is disputes involving retroactive redefinition of terms or prices, in which case staff will attempt to resolve the situation if it is brought to our attention.

Please contact administration if you have any issues with staff behavior, including any criticisms of administrators themselves. Honored Members and higher have access to the Administrative Feedback subforum for in-depth discussion of site policy directly with the entire staff team, but everyone is encouraged to contact administration at any time with questions or complaints.

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