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The Omozone

Asking For Help

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Chapter One

“Your laptop?” Lily questioned.

“In my backpack.” Jess responded.

“My exercise equipment?”

“In the trunk.”

“The toothbrushes?”

“They’re like, five dollars; why do you care?”

“Where are the toothbrushes, Jess?” Lily said, annoyed.

Jess rolled her eyes. “In your backpack.”

“Okay, we can head off now.”

“Finally. I thought you’d be going through that list forever.” Jess rolled her wheelchair to the door of the passenger seat. She looked around at the old apartment building the two had lived in for the past three years. 

“Thinking about the good times here?” 

“Nah. Mostly about the nosy neighbours, appliances falling apart, and the elevator being broken half the time, making me have to ask you or a concierge for help up the stairs.”

“You know I don’t mind helping you reach places that are hard for you.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t make it any less embarrassing.”

Lily giggled. “So you regret choosing to spend your college years here?”

“Well, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have met you, so… it was worth it, I guess.”

“Wow, such a romantic.” The taller girl bent over and kissed Jess on the cheek, making her blush. 

Jess stared into Lily’s bright blue eyes briefly before finally responding. “You know me.” She reached up to the seat’s headrest. Lily offered her hand. “I’m alright, babe. Just put my wheelchair in the back, please.

“Alright then.” Lily did as Jess asked. As she did, Jess grabbed the headrest, pulled herself up onto the seat and pulled her legs in. She closed the door, and Lily hopped in from the other side. “Are we… forgetting anything? It feels like we are.”

“That’s your worrywart side talking. C’mon, let’s leave this shithole behind and move on to our new lives!”

Lily gulped and took a deep breath. “Yeah, you're right.” She inserted the key and started the engine. “Goodbye, crappy apartment, hello, new lives.”

“WOOOOOOOO!” Jess shouted as the car pulled out of its parking space, making Lily giggle. “Goodbye, college. I will not miss you!”

After a few minutes, Lily drove out of the town and onto the highway. Jess’s eyes wandered outside the car as she did, leaning her head against the window. The blonde girl’s mind drifted off, and she closed her eyes. She drifted to sleep, letting the sound around her fade out.

After what didn’t feel like long, she felt a big bump on the road, startling her awake. Lily looked over and laughed. “You were drooling, you know.”

Jess wiped the liquid off her face and groaned. “How long was I out?”

“An hour.”

“What!? I took all that coffee specifically so I wouldn’t fall asleep!”

Lily laughed. “It’s fine, honey. The sound of your snoring was more than enough to keep me company.”

Jess blushed. “Aw, man. I really gotta get better sleeping habits now we’ll be sleeping in the same bed.” She ruffled her hair a bit. As she did, she realized something: she had to pee. “ All that damn coffee… ” The blonde girl muttered to herself.

“You good?” Her girlfriend asked, a look of concern on her face.

“Yeah, just, uh, when are we stopping?”

“Don’t worry, I already stopped when you were asleep. I got your favourite chip brand!” Lily threw the chips to the other side of the car, landing on Jess’ lap.

“Ah. Thanks.” Jess gulped.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s just…” She fiddled with her fingers nervously. “I kinda have to pee.”

Lily suddenly facepalmed herself. “That’s what I forgot! We never went to the bathroom before we left!” Jess rolled her eyes. “Anyways, are you alright?” 

“It’s fine, only half an hour, right?”

“Uh, yeah, but I can stop again if you need to go that bad. Are you sure you're fine?”

“I’m fine, really.” Jess admittedly did have to go quite bad, but she didn’t want to interrupt their ride when they had already stopped.

“Okay, if you say so. We’ll get to Solaville soon, so just hang on a little longer.”

As it turned out, “a little longer” felt pretty damn long when you’re desperate for relief. Jess, looking for a distraction from her aching bladder, opened her phone, hoping to doom-scroll her way to their new house. Unfortunately, none of her apps loaded, and all came up with a “No internet connection” message. Groaning, she closed her phone and just stared out the window, hand in crotch. Her nails sank into her skin, reminding her she should probably cut them.

A few minutes later, she started squirming side to side, face blushing from having to be so obvious with her holding. Luckily, her girlfriend had not commented on it yet, though Jess could feel her eyes watching. The seconds felt like minutes, and the minutes felt like hours. Eventually, she saw a sign saying “Welcome to Solaville” from her window.

“Nearly there, baby, just hold on a little longer.” Lily looked at Jess with an empathetic expression on her face.

“Mmmh…” Jess groaned. 

“Maybe we should’ve made that second stop.”

“N-no, I’m totally fine!”

“Girl, I can see your bladder poking out from your stomach. You’re not fine.”

Jess looked down to see Lily was telling the truth. Her white t-shirt was sticking up, and her bladder was peeking out. “Damn, it can actually do that? I thought that was a myth.”


“I’m fine, Lil’. I barely notice it.” That was a lie. It was threatening to come out every second.

“Are you sure? If it’s bad, I think I know where a gas station is in town; we’ll have to get off course a bit, but-”

“You don’t need to worry, Lily. I can hold it.”

Lily looked like she wanted to protest but just sighed and refocused on the road. Jess suffered silently for the next few minutes, looking for anything to distract her. “M-my!” She said loudly and awkwardly. “That restaurant looks n-nice! W-we should go there sometime.”

Lily frowned. “If we can even afford it. The money my dad gave me is barely enough to last us a year’s rent.”

“We’ll f-find good-paying jobs soon.”

“Hopefully.” Lily said solemnly.

Jess looked down awkwardly. She was just trying to make small talk, but it had turned glum fast. Although Jess was upset by the depressing tone their conversation had taken, she was glad she now had a distraction from her bladder. “I mean… if shit gets that bad, we can just ask him for more, right?”

“It’s not that simple. If I ask for something unprompted, he’ll ask for a favour and be super passive-aggressive about it. For example, ‘ Oh, you know the Groftocorp CEO’s son is single? It would be great for you to have a nice relationship like that! ’”

“So I’m guessing he’s still in total denial about us dating?”

“Yup. ‘ Great for you two, having a close friend who sticks with you after college! ’ I swear, it’s like he’s living in medieval times or something.”

Jess wanted to say something else, but nothing could come out. She simply went back to squirming without any distractions. A rustling noise came from the right side, and Lily looked over to see Jess pulling up her left leg over the other. “Does that even help?”

“Dunno. Never had to go this bad before.”

“Just hold on, we’re nearly there.”

A few minutes later, they finally reached their new house. Typically, this would be an opportunity to admire their new life together, which was about to begin, but Jess couldn’t care less about it now. All that was on her mind right now was sitting down on a toilet and taking the best piss of her life. 

The car drove into the driveway, and Lily put it into park mode, removing the keys from the ignition. “Mmmmf… I’m not going to make it.” Jess complained. 

Lily opened up her side’s door. “Just wait a second; I need to get your wheelchair.”

Jess leaked and whined. “I’m not gonna make it.”

“Yes, you are.” Lily approached the other side of the car and brought out the wheelchair.

Jess tried lowering herself down, but she felt another leak and immediately put her hands on her crotch. “Ugh. Can you help me, please?” She blushed, embarrassed by needing her girlfriend’s help.

Lily nodded. She picked up Jess with ease and placed her in her wheelchair. Noticing Jess was still barely moving with her hands on her crotch, she began to push the chair to the front door. Lily took out the keys and opened the door before continuing to push Jess through the door.

“Mmmm… Hurry, please!” Jess could feel the dam within her breaking.

“You're almost there, honey, just a little more!”

But Lily’s encouragement was to no avail, as a small stream started in her panties. Soon, a wet spot appeared on her blue jeans, with a puddle forming on her wheelchair. 

“Oh shit.” Lily looked down and saw Jess’ mess. She sped up, the bathroom at the back of the house now in sight.

“No, no, no!” Jess shouted, the stream speeding up, with the pee now leaving a trail on the ground. 

They entered the bathroom, Lily kicking the door open. She pushed the wheelchair through the door, bumping slightly between rooms. Lily picked up Jess and placed her on the toilet, causing a few droplets to splash on the toilet seat. Jess sighed in relief as she sat down, not bothering to remove her jeans, which were already wet. A dark spot was formed on her pants, most notably on her butt, dripping into the toilet bowl below.

Trying to avoid eye (or pants) contact, Lily looked to her left, cheeks flushed. Despite the relief washing over her, Jess couldn’t help but feel so… helpless. She began to cry.

“Oh, baby, it’s okay.”

“It’s not! I pissed myself like a little kid!” Jess’ stream stopped, with only half of her waste in the toilet. 

“Accidents happen, Jess. Remember when Kimberly-”

“But it wouldn’t have happened if I fucking told you I couldn’t wait like a sane human being!” Jess snapped. “I ruined our first day in our new house. If I wasn’t so useless-

“You’re not useless,” Lily said swiftly, interrupting her partner’s self-hatred. “You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met, and you’re perfect the way you are.”

Jess sniffled and smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about a thing. How about you take a bath, and I clean your wheelchair?”

Normally, Jess couldn’t stand the idea of baths. Sitting in bathwater filled with your own filth just seemed so… nasty to her. But right now, she wanted nothing more than to sit in hot water. Plus, they hadn’t set up her shower chair yet. “That sounds great.” She smiled.


Chapter Two


“So then I said, I know you are, but what am I?”

Lily could barely hold her laughter. “You said that to the dean !?”

“More or less.” Jess smirked.

“How did you not get expelled!?” Lily was giggling now.

“I think my dad threatened him with his bat.”

Lily started full-on laughing as they pulled into the parking lot. They got out, and Lily helped Jess into her wheelchair. “Look at us, going to eat at a fancy restaurant all dressed up,” Jess said as her girlfriend pushed her to the entrance. “we almost seem like a well-put-together couple!”

“Honey, this is an Applebee’s, and I’m dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans.”

“I’ll have you know that Applebee's is the fanciest restaurant there is, and I'm wearing a skirt , which is extremely fancy by my standards.”

They entered the building and were seated by a waiter. They looked at the menus and picked out their food. Jess got a burger and a soda, while Lily got a salad and an alcoholic drink. “So… what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done?” Jess asked.

“What?” Lily looked confused. “Where did that come from?”

“I’m just trying to break the ice! This is a standard date question!”

“Jess, we’ve been dating for two years.”

“And I don’t know the weirdest thing you’ve ever done!? It’s a disgrace!” Jess threw her hands up dramatically.

Lily rolled her eyes with a smile. “Okay, let’s see…” She scratched her chin. “I once streaked through my high school campus.”

If Jess’ drinks arrived yet, she would’ve spat it out. “ You !? When was this!?”

While Lily was still smiling, a subtle blush was growing on her face. “And that is all you're getting with me sober.”

Jess smirked. “That just means I’ll have to wait until your drink comes.”

Lily winked. “We’ll see.” She suddenly stopped moving. Her bladder was sending signals to her brain. “I have to use the bathroom.”

“Go piss, girl.” Jess said jokingly.

Lily got up and walked to the bathroom at the back of the restaurant. Thankfully, the door to the restroom was open, but past the door, there was only a single stall with an “out of order” sign on it. “ Shit. ” She muttered under her breath.

She bumped into someone else as she turned around, and they both fell to the ground. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Lily said as she got up.

“Ah, it’s alright.” The other person said, rubbing their back. They had pink hair, brown skin, jeans shorts, and a black hoodie with a pin saying “THEY/THEM”. “But, didn’t you just come in here? Why did you turn around?” Lily indicated to the “out of order” sign behind her. “Damn, should’ve gone before I left home.”

Lily let out a light laugh. “Yeah, I drank a bunch of tea before coming here. It's not going to be fun down the line.”

“Yeah, well, I wish you luck… uh… sorry, what’s your name?”

“Lily. Yours?”

“Xara. You here alone?”

“Nope, I’m on a date with my girlfriend.”

“Oh, cool. Where is she?” Xara asked, moving out of the way of the door.

“Over there.” Lily indicated to Jess.

“Oh, sweet! I’m right next to you!” They smiled. “Guess we can just hold our pee together, huh?”

Lily raised an eyebrow.

Xara's demeanour changed, shifting their eyes away from her. “S-sorry. That was a weird thing to say, huh?” 

Lily smiled. “It’s no big deal. Let’s head back.”

The two went back to their respective tables. “Hey, Jess, this is Xara. We met in the bathroom.”

“How do you ‘meet someone in the bathroom’?”

“We bonded over an out-of-order sign.”

“Ah. Well, nice to meet you, Xara.” Jess said, putting her hand out to shake, which they swiftly accepted.

“Nice to meet you, too.” Xara smiled.

“Oh yeah,” Jess turned back to Lily. “your drink came, babe.”

“Oh… good.”  Truthfully, she really didn’t want to drink anything, but her family was low on money and needed to appreciate whatever luxury they could get—that’s what she was told as a child, despite her family's wealth. She drank the wine slowly.

“Sheesh. I’m glad I didn’t get a drink yet.” Xara looked at Lily with sympathy. A waiter came to them and took their order. To get her mind off her bladder, Lily tried talking to Jess.

“So… uh, I never asked you what the weirdest thing you’ve ever done is.”

“Thought you hated that ‘date question’ shit?” Jess raised an eyebrow.

“That was before I needed a distraction from my body.”

“Okay, um, let me think.” Jess’ forehead wrinkled. “You were a witness to it, remember? My, er… ‘accident’ on our day moving here.”

Xara looked over at them from the other table, seemingly intrigued by the story of Jess’ “accident”. Jess, finally remembering that they were so close, blushed profusely.

Lily really didn’t need to be reminded of Jess’ “accident” at the moment, so she changed the subject. “Well, what is it besides stuff that I would know?”

Jess thought for a second. “I guess the time I got a swirly in high school, but that's not really my fault.”

Okay, that's definitely not helping. ” Lily thought. Jess saw the pained expression on Lily's face and quickly regretted her words. The two sat silently for a few minutes before their food finally came. They ate mostly in silence, Lily trying desperately to hold her pee. 

Jess looked at her with sympathy. “Okay, let’s just try not to think about it. Let’s try to distract you again.”

Lily gave a weak smile. “How so?”

“Are you drunk enough to tell that ‘weirdest thing’ story without embarrassment?”

She laughed. “Probably not, but I’ll tell it anyway.” She hesitated. “So, I was just graduating from high school, and there was this party, right? I was there with my then-boyfriend- I still thought I was straight back then. Since the host’s parents were away, there was a lot of alcohol…” Lily trailed off, trying not to think about drinks. She cleared her throat. “Anyways, after we got drunk, we started playing truth or dare. Somebody dared me to drive to the school and streak through the campus. After a ton of people chanting ‘do it’, I finally gave in and drove down to the school and ran to the main building… naked.”

Jess (and Xara, who looked like they were trying to pretend they weren’t listening) seemed to be enjoying the story. “And did anyone see you?” She asked.

“I had a close call with the janitor; I had to hide in a bush.” 

Jess snickered. “I can't imagine you doing that!” 

“To be honest, neither can I.” They soon wrapped up eating and asked a waiter for a check. Behind Jess, Lily noticed an employee coming out of the bathroom with the “out of order” sign. Her bladder sent a sharp signal to her brain. “Jess, the bathroom is open.” Jess nodded.

Lily got up and stumbled her way to the bathroom. Behind her, Xara saw her getting up and following her, with Jess just behind them. She quickly opened the bathroom door, but just as she was about to open the stall, she felt a tugging on her sleeve. Looking behind her, she saw Xara with a desperate expression on their face. They had a hand stuffed in their crotch. “P-please… I'm not going to make it! Can I go first!?” 

Lily saw a wet spot on their shorts and sighed. Jess rolled into the room and saw the two desperate people. “Okay, you can go first.” Lily said begrudgingly.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Xara said incoherently as they ran into the stall and locked it.

“That was really nice of you, babe.” Jess complimented. 

“Let's see if it bites me in the ass or not.” Lily leaned against the stall door, squirming around, no longer caring what her girlfriend thought of her.

Soon, she felt a leak enter her panties. She whimpered and collapsed further into the door. “Please hurry up!” She called to Xara.

“Goin’ as fast as I can!” They shouted back. The sound of Xara's urination certainly wasn't helping Lily's desperation.

It wasn't much longer until Lily couldn't hold it anymore. She gasped as a heavy stream began to flood her underwear and into her jeans. Jess, who was sitting right behind her, got a front-row seat to Lily's accident, seeing the wet spot expand and fall down her legs. The shorter girl grabbed her girlfriend's hand to prevent her from collapsing. 

Lily began to cry as she turned around to Jess. “I'm so pathetic.” 

“You are not pathetic. You didn't think I was pathetic after my accident, right?”

“Well, no, but-” 

Jess smiled. “Case settled. You’re not pathetic.” 

Lily let out a weak laugh as her stream began to die down. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Xara opened the of the stall. “Alright, the toilets al yooooouuursss-” Their voice trailed off and a blush spread across their face. Lily looked away, embarrassed, while Jess shot them a dirty look. “Oh god, sorry. I've been there, trust me.” There was no response. “Uh, here, take my sweater to cover it.” They removed their sweater and pocketed the pin, handing it to Lily. “My phone number is in there on the tag, so if you wanna meet up sometime-”

“Dude, just go.”

“Right!” Xara quickly walked out of the bathroom.

Lily turned to Jess. “You shouldn't have been so mean. They were really nice.”

“I dunno, something just felt wrong about them.”


Xara quickly entered their car, having just rushed out of the building, leaving thirty dollars without ordering the check. (She hoped it was enough; otherwise, she had just committed a crime.) They panted loudly before taking a deep breath.

Then, after a moment, they shouted with a big “woop”. After another few seconds, “God, DAMN! That was so fucking hot!” Sure, they didn’t mean for that to happen, but it was still an experience they won’t soon forget. Of course, they still felt bad for Lily, but she seemed alright after her girlfriend comforted her. They laughed in disbelief, face red as they drove off.

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